Nar-anon In Uk????

Hi i was wondering if anyone has any info or links that would maybe direct me to where i may be able to find out if there is any sort of drug counselling service for partners and family's of addicts. I live in Scotland in the UK. Thanks
Jo7, I live in Canada so I don't know, but you can try looking it up in your phone book..Is it called Al Anon there as well? Or Nar Anon?

Are things alright with you and your bf? I haven't heard from you in awhile.
Al Anon and Nar Anon are separate organisations. Both use the 12 steps and both will accept family of drug addicts. Some countries also have Co-Anon (for families of chemically dependent).
I had a lot of trouble finding Nar Anon in the UK,

you could look at online meetings HERE

you may have better luck with Al Anon, you can go to their UK website HERE
Thank you for your reply's
Kittycat - i know i've not been on for a while - he's been clean since mon and i've took him back again. I'm really not sure what the hell i'm doing right now! I've just replyed to another post saying i feel numb and thats the only way i can describe how i feel. Hope things are good with you anyway.

Silent Partner - thank you for your reply i will use the links you gave and try to find some group i can go to. My partner attended his counselling session on thurs and his counsellor asked if she could see me about maybe being involved in a group she is trying to set up for family's and partners of people she talks to, so that sounds promising too. Thank you again
jo, there is help. as some old saying goes, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." be persistent. there are caring people out there who are ready, willing and able to help. many of them will need the help that you can give to them. many are helped by extending themselves to help you. keep looking.
Thanks for the reply Bob B - i know you're right, i felt a little peeved when my partner told me about the offer of help through his counsellor but i think that comes down to the resentment i hold for him right now. I'll go with it i think and see what happens.....the only thing i seem to know right now is i cant keep on feeling how i am. I'm going back to church tomorrow - like you i've been brought up in the catholic faith which i've found to be a huge help over the years.
Need to go now baby's crying but thanks again
jo, i know that help will be there for you. if you are uncomfortable with his counsello's group for any reason, look further. many of the hospitals host meetings -- also some clinics. just gotta find the right phone number. somebody in town keeps a list of the available meetings -- there's just too many people who need the meetings.

yes, there's a reason we gladly call her Mother Church -- she comforts us. and, most times, she's there for us when we need her. she has a way of bringing us to be "still" and listen when we are in trouble.

stay with us until you find suitable help. there are people here willing to assist.