Narc Rehab And Maijuana

I have a friend who has been working on getting clean for about the last five months. He's taken the outpatient route and was prescribed saboxin (spelling?), an anti-anxiety med, an anti-depressant, and a sleeping pill. Around Christmas he decided he had had enough and quit taking everything. His thinking is that if he goes off all drugs he can then decide if he has depression or anxiety. He has had a couple of relapses since then. He is in counseling and says his counselor suggested smoking pot whenever he's feeling too anxious. Is this a common suggestion? Isn't that just transferring his addiction to something that is seen as less bad?
never , ever heard of a counseler advising the use of marijuana for anexiety. now you need to remember what you are dealing with , that being a drug addict . we are the best liars in the world , heck we even believe our bull crap . i'm not saying this is not therapy that is used its just nothing i've heard before . you don't have to take my veiw though the best thing to do is ask a proffessional on addiction . GOD BLESS YOU and keep praying for your friend
It does help but it is no long term solution. I do not think you can transfer a pill habit to a smoking habit but, only my opinion, the lesser of 2 evils should be obvious here. REMEMBER what is written above because I do believe my own BS and lie my face off. Quick story 1 of my lies was called by my ex "oh you quit thats great then you wouldn't mind peeing in here for me". end of story end of relationship.