Nearing A Month

Hey guys

How was everyones day? I just got home from a long day at work. I have about 3-4 hours of homework for my Thursday night class. Its ok though. I am happy to keep busy.

I just wanted to share something. I am on day 26 and I have been reading this forum for a long time. I just hope and wish that people here struggling can see my posts and learn, its not about tapering, I wish people would even second think sub-- I dont want to argue it. I am entitled to my opinion. But I really think they are both bad roads to go on. So many people struggle and struggle. I went cold turkey off 20 norcs a day. Trust me it was insane. But.. after a few weeks, meetings and support and of course prayer. Things turn. I know i am far from perfect, I have a long way to go

My message is folks who are struggling and tapering and using.... you can do it. You must want it though. No- its not easy. It IS the battle of your life. I feel I almost died but you make it. So if i can go ct off 20 pills a day, so can you!

Thank you guys
Thank you for sharing Justin...

Yes, you are a miracle and with so many more miracles still to come....

Lovin ya,
Dog....All I can say i Woooooo-Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Love, Sharonn
I am new here, but I wanted to let you know that this is great. Inspiring in fact...

Well done.

You are in inspiration! I love reading your daily posts and admire your willingness. You have a tremendous amount of experience, strength and hope.

Hello Reddog,

I really admire you. You relapsed, you admitted it, you chose to go CT and now you are 26 days pill free.

Relapse is a part of this disease and relapsing is nothing to be ashamed of. You have helped me understant that.

I am now over 5 months pill free. I was taking 20 to 30 pills a day for 5 years. I went to an Addiction Specialist and chose to take suboxone to detox. I took suboxone for 22 days. My experience with it was wonderful. I have gotten my health back and I am enjoying life.

There isn't a right way or a wrong way to stop taking pills. What works for one person may not work for another. Don't blame the "method" for being unsuccessfull, blame the disease of addiction.

Support is so important for recovery. No one can do this alone. We all need to be there for each other and especially for the "new guy" who is just beginning the frightning challenge of quiting.

Congratulations on your well earned 26 days.

....All I can say i Woooooo-Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Hey, that's what I was gona say!!
Halfway done with my homewrok, I need a dinner break,

Catherine, yes, 22 days of sub, thats fine in my opinion. My adiction speciliast said anymore than two months of sub, you run the risk of being addicted to that crap. I took it last year for 26 days and had a hard time gettinng off it. This relapse was even worse. But yea 26 days. I could not be happier with my decion to quit using!

Im gonna eat some dinner
happy 26th day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wooooo hoooooo!!!!!!

you are so incredible.

i remember my 30 day. I was so happy inside, even more so than my own birthday!!!!!!

Dog so proud of you. You are an inspiration. Thank You.

Welcome Romie.
Justin, I am soooooo proud of I said are a miracle and God will truly bless you. Love, Cherie
Finally doen with my homework. I am exhausted. I am more than likely going to bed soon. I need the rest. Thank you everyone for your kind words. Its been crazy but im soo glad im near a month. Its only 4 weeks but it was a major goal for me. Im starting to feel better and stronger, my appetite and sleep are creeping back. The meetings help a lot. I havent have a craving yet.. i hope it stays that way. I will neve rforget this wd,. I really felt like i could have died. I battled it and it is a miracle
whoooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo

your the bomb diggity..........................

Dogg...all I can say is...wwwwooooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooo!!!
Went to work
Went to school
Went to NA meetings at night for two hours
Went to eat with the gang afterwards
Went to holiday party
Posted everyday
E-mailed and talked on the phone with people here
Talked to new sponsor
Threw away sleep meds and made a stand not to take anything.

Will have 30 days in 4 more days.

Dude........I am in awe.You are the reason this board exist.Please give back here your story.You will be a force in those seeking recovery.
I am so incredibly proud of you Justin.I would give anything to see you pick up your chip on Sunday night.
Hiya Dog, I remember your first posting when you relapsed and told us you were doing the ct thing. You have come such a long way since then. You are great in my books.

have a great day

aka bc