15 hours into oc detox cold turkey, big mistake!! Dying from anxiety and insomnia!!! I feel like somebody is sitting on my chest and my head is about to explode with energy, hard to describe but very miserable! I'm sick of my opiate addiction but can not deal with being sick and feeling this way!!! Does anything help??? I swear if I had money I'd throw the towel in and take a pill asap!!!!
The only thing that helped me was the knowledge that it wasn't going to last forever. If you really can't stand it go to the ER but withdrawal is inevitable. You can get thru it. You won't die. Get some imodium and chamomile tea. Treat yourself as if you have a bad case of the flu. It will pass. Hang in there.
If you take another pill, you'll be right back where you started 15 hours ago. Do you really want to go through that again? Of course not. You will not die from this, you will however die if you keep taking the oxy's.
What you need is help. You don't have to do this all by yourself. If you're too ashamed to tell someone, it's really shameful when you die and they find out. Is there someone you trust to talk too? Someone face to face? Keep posting here..we can get you through the worst of it and be your biggest cheerleading section.
You're worth this you know.
What you need is help. You don't have to do this all by yourself. If you're too ashamed to tell someone, it's really shameful when you die and they find out. Is there someone you trust to talk too? Someone face to face? Keep posting here..we can get you through the worst of it and be your biggest cheerleading section.
You're worth this you know.
stick it out my friend. I did, i prayed for death but i managed it..and i'm a big old wuss when it comes to being sick :) Its so worth it. I promise and i don't make promises i can't keep. I was on larges amounts of oxys and managed
hi i am in my early stage of detoxing and all i want to do is get a pill and stop feeling sick but i am trying to be strong i was taking 20mg oxys and 100mg ms contin and it hurts like hell today is going to be the biggest test as i get money today so not getting a pill is going to be hard the doctor has me on a load of other pills to try and help me but i feel like a zombie but i cant just go get just one pill if i do i have failed so quickly,thats not what i want i want to be normal again i want my life back so one day at a time.so try and be strong you have the support on here i have found this a massive help instead of reaching for my fix first thing in the morning i now reach for my laptop trying to break the routine but it will get worse before i get better and its the same with you but try and be strong and i hope that god will help you get through this so good luck
Bad Choices..don't be alone. You deserve better than that. Find some face to face support.
Clonidine, most any Dr will prescibe it & it is cheap. It was made (and is still used for) high blood preassure, but they discovered it "tricks" the brain by fillin up the opaite receptors. It takes the edge off and more.
There are other options ( some I wont mention because even I consider them too dangerous & maybe only to be contemplated in the most extreme situation & almost impossible circumstances) that are contriversial , helpful for wd's, but if mis-used can lead into new addictions and other problems.
Tramadol (ultracet, etc) definitely helps with WD's , like everything they come out with, it was supposed to not be addictive, blah blah. I'm sure someone can explain the pharmacology better, but as I understand it, it works like a narcotic analageous to codiene, but is not exactly a narcotic. They did help me a little bit (maybe more then I thought) with suboxone WD's & if I remember correctly, they have been experimentally used and beneficial for heroin WD's.
I have learned from others that they are much more addictive and dangerous then I thought and the initial info provided by the manuf. now has more warnings then it used to. Some people get high from that and describe them as being like hydrocodone. They even go thru WD's and I have even heard of people going on methadone (which in this case kind of seems like using napalm to put out a small fire) to stop their tramadol abuse.
MY DEBATEBLE OPINION is they are worth using to get thru wd's, and quickly cut down on them. In my case I felt little or no euphoric effects from them so they were no big deal. My plan had been if I found I was getting high from them while detoxing I would lower the dose to just cover the WD's.
Another thing that helped me , but only for 1 or 2 days, was adderal, which I have had prescribed for ADHD. It's made of amphetamine salts, and its dangers to people like us are obvious. Someone once posted on this board that she discovered when she was in the midst of her WD's, she took an adderall (she had a script of them for her ADD) and how surprised and happy she was because they took her right out of WD.
AS FAR AS USING THEM, I responded to her, like I would to anyone else (including me): Proceed with caustion. IT WOULD BE A HORRER TO END up crashing on speed and going thru WD's.
In my opinion, THE BEST OPTION, if available, is to talk to a Dr., preferably a drug Dr., and get advice and medicine from him/her. Some people think toughing it out thru cold turkey somehow strenthens you or something. I dont agree.
IN CONCLUSION, WHATEVER YOU ARE GOING TO DO, USE CAUTION. U have taken a big step and I am sorry for your suffering. You have a 100% chance of recovery. You are braver then you realize as evidenced by your decision and action to change your life. You are also stronger then you realize. May God bless you and strengthen you in your efforts.
There are other options ( some I wont mention because even I consider them too dangerous & maybe only to be contemplated in the most extreme situation & almost impossible circumstances) that are contriversial , helpful for wd's, but if mis-used can lead into new addictions and other problems.
Tramadol (ultracet, etc) definitely helps with WD's , like everything they come out with, it was supposed to not be addictive, blah blah. I'm sure someone can explain the pharmacology better, but as I understand it, it works like a narcotic analageous to codiene, but is not exactly a narcotic. They did help me a little bit (maybe more then I thought) with suboxone WD's & if I remember correctly, they have been experimentally used and beneficial for heroin WD's.
I have learned from others that they are much more addictive and dangerous then I thought and the initial info provided by the manuf. now has more warnings then it used to. Some people get high from that and describe them as being like hydrocodone. They even go thru WD's and I have even heard of people going on methadone (which in this case kind of seems like using napalm to put out a small fire) to stop their tramadol abuse.
MY DEBATEBLE OPINION is they are worth using to get thru wd's, and quickly cut down on them. In my case I felt little or no euphoric effects from them so they were no big deal. My plan had been if I found I was getting high from them while detoxing I would lower the dose to just cover the WD's.
Another thing that helped me , but only for 1 or 2 days, was adderal, which I have had prescribed for ADHD. It's made of amphetamine salts, and its dangers to people like us are obvious. Someone once posted on this board that she discovered when she was in the midst of her WD's, she took an adderall (she had a script of them for her ADD) and how surprised and happy she was because they took her right out of WD.
AS FAR AS USING THEM, I responded to her, like I would to anyone else (including me): Proceed with caustion. IT WOULD BE A HORRER TO END up crashing on speed and going thru WD's.
In my opinion, THE BEST OPTION, if available, is to talk to a Dr., preferably a drug Dr., and get advice and medicine from him/her. Some people think toughing it out thru cold turkey somehow strenthens you or something. I dont agree.
IN CONCLUSION, WHATEVER YOU ARE GOING TO DO, USE CAUTION. U have taken a big step and I am sorry for your suffering. You have a 100% chance of recovery. You are braver then you realize as evidenced by your decision and action to change your life. You are also stronger then you realize. May God bless you and strengthen you in your efforts.
Tramadol (ultracet, etc) definitely helps with WD's , like everything they come out with, it was supposed to not be addictive, blah blah. I'm sure someone can explain the pharmacology better, but as I understand it, it works like a narcotic analageous to codiene, but is not exactly a narcotic. They did help me a little bit (maybe more then I thought) with suboxone WD's & if I remember correctly, they have been experimentally used and beneficial for heroin WD's.
Tramadol may be advertised as non-narcotic but they are definetly addictive. You're just trading one drug for another. That stuff is dangerous.
Tramadol may be advertised as non-narcotic but they are definetly addictive. You're just trading one drug for another. That stuff is dangerous.
Hang in there...it doesn't last forever and when it's over you will be so glad you did it. Taking a pill just puts you back at square one and all that suffering would have been for nothing. You can do this!