Need A Question Answered?? Please!!

I have a friend that has been useing herion for 6-7 years she has spent time in and out of jail. She is getting so bad her teeth are all getting rotten, she looks 65 yrs old (@ 23) and one of her arms is now paralized. Can anyone tell me if the drugs have anything to do with her arm not working?? We found out after she left her mothers house that her arm wont even move now and whe had gone through the house and drank all cough medicane and nyquil. Any sugestion or help would be appricated from anyone that has been there and might be able to help.

Thanks and god bless
I don't know about the arm thing, but what I do know is that once heroin sinks its teeth in, it is damn tough to get them back out. Trying to be a friend or good parent to an addict is admirable, but addicts don't want friends. They want money and another fix. The only way an addict will get clean is if he/she makes that decision for themselves. It takes hitting rock bottom, losing everything and having no one to turn to for help before a dope addict can get clean. I know, I lost everything.
You were right on about the God bless part, because that's who she needs- and she only cares about her needs right now. Try this {}. Go to the locations, click on the state your in (NH) and the address of the nearest Reformers Unanimous meeting place will come up. Contact them or bring her to a meeting if you can - if not they'll send someone to her. You can contact me if you'd like - They have a transistional house for women at the main chapter, you could go to the site and email them.

Good job Jezzie - Stay clean

I'll pray for you all
There is a good chance your friend has an infection(most likely a staph). This is extremely dangerous a could be life threatening.
A few years ago, the same thing happened to me(but in my leg).
Not only did the infection affect my leg, but it also went to my heart.
I ended up with endocarditis (inflamation od a heart valve) and it almost killed me.
I would have never known I had it if my leg wasn't paralyzed, however.