Need Advice On Switching To Sub From 3mg Of Meth..

I've been on 3 mg of methadone for the past three weeks. My doctor gave me 2 mg pills of Suboxone and told me it would be OK to take my first dose of Suboxone only 24 hours after my last dose of methadone.

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on that. Before I hit 24 hours after my last dose of methadone I usually feel pretty s***ty but not in full withdrawals. Am I at such a low dose of methadone that it would be OK to take the Suboxone on 24 hours after my last dose of methadone?
I'm sorry no one replied... I'm in the same boat-on 26mg of methadone & switching over.
My last dose was Friday around 10am. I'm scared to take Subutex because of the "precipitated withdrawal's "
How are you doing? How have you been coming along?
I have the tablets here I'm just holding out before I take it
Me too. Last dose of methadone was Friday
I feel like sh&t-I'm going to take my first tab shortly.
Ugh! Looking at this in my phone is ridiculous. I had thought OP had responded but realize it was my own post