A dear friend recently confided in me that she is addicted to pain killers. She has used Vicodin everyday for about 2 years and uses Norco and Xanax frequently.
She wants to kick this starting Jan.1. She also wants to do this with support of friends and family and not in a treatment center. I don't believe she is interested in a 12 step support group either.
My questions are is this possible? Have any of you kicked this without professional help? What can she expect? Is this dangerous? Do you know of any websites that offer homeopathic remedies to ease withdrawal symptoms or ease cravings?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have been addicted to norco for 7 year she needs to be in a detox center to make her wat more comfortable.The withdraw from this are awfull.And she needs to be in a twelve step program and counceling. Trust me when i say no one is different when it comes to this when you stop taking this medication it is like learning to like all over again.
She stops now she has a greater chance of recovery.God Bless
She stops now she has a greater chance of recovery.God Bless
unfortunately most people have to hit rock bottom before they get help, My advice, after ten years of being clean is ,BE THERE, SIMPLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY BE THERE . mbsstryker4@aol.com