My 24 year old son (my only child) admitted a year ago he needed help with oxy addiction. No one (friends or family) had any idea he was using. He managed to graduate college, work a job and function "normal" or as normal as we were all used to. Anyway, he entered inpatient treatment for 30 days and then did an additional 10 months of extended inpatient treatment out of state. He did great, loved being clean, counselors complimented on how well he did, etc. He moved into sober living for 60 days and is has been living still out of state on his own, working at a great job and from all appearances doing great and loving life.
Fast forward 45 gut told me something wasn't right. I went out and visited him and while we had a great time and he looked good; I just knew he was acting a little different. Flew home telling myself I can't control him or his addiction (if he indeed had relapsed).
He hasn't been home in a year and just flew back this week for a 5 day visit. From the moment he stepped off the plane once again I knew in my gut he was using again. I didn't say anything because I thought maybe he was tired from traveling all day.
Long story short, he stayed at a buddy's house last night and I had to go into his room this morning to put away some sheets (linen closet is in his room) and there sat a pill bottle with 1/2 a pill that I recognized as oxy. He flies out in the morning to go back to his place. Do I confront him about finding the pill? Or do I just send him on his way with a big hug whispering in his ear that I pray he gets help? I cannot afford to send him back to rehab. The years worth of rehab he completed wiped my savings out. I feel he is thinking he can handle it and hide it but....what should I do?
Hi DavidsMom
Welcome to this site. Please go and read 'Let Me Fall All By Myself'. You have to let him go but let him know when he is ready to change his life you will be there for him.
He must hit rock bottom by himself and he must book himself into rehab. He must take that responsibility on his own shoulders. You have done your part but if you going to try and be there for him financially as well as emotionally. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you.
Isn't there a sponsor that you can contact and say that you think your son is using oxy again?
Good luck
Welcome to this site. Please go and read 'Let Me Fall All By Myself'. You have to let him go but let him know when he is ready to change his life you will be there for him.
He must hit rock bottom by himself and he must book himself into rehab. He must take that responsibility on his own shoulders. You have done your part but if you going to try and be there for him financially as well as emotionally. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you.
Isn't there a sponsor that you can contact and say that you think your son is using oxy again?
Good luck