Need Advice

I have a problem with my mother... she says alot of crap about my dad around me and my brother... she always tells us how he hates his kids and that he doesnt love us and stuff. She is always putting him down... My parents have been divorsed for almost two years now and all they do is fight... My mom left me and my brother to see some guy in washington state around christmas time in 2001 and since she came back me and her have had a very challenging relationship.... she talks to me as if im a friend instead of a daughter and although i am 16 i am not ready to hear the things she has to say... especially about my father.... She also seems to think that i am a liar and that i made up the fact that my older half brother ( her son) sexually abused me when i was younger.... according to her he s a lil angel and could never do anything wrong although i have proof and that im not the only kid he has abused and i sure as hell wont be the last.... But i just dont know what to do... im in a group home rght now
Sorry to hear about your situation. We don't choose our parents you know...
About the abuse, go to the cops and tell them what happened.
Good luck & God Bless,
You have been through a lot. Sounds like way too much for a 16 year old. I think for the time being the group home is a good place for you and there you can get some help to establish a better more appropriate mother daughter relationship. Stay as honest as you can and let those around you know what you are feeling. No one can help you unless you tell them what is wrong. God bless you child