I need help to understand how people using crack can give up everything they have just for their addiction? My daughter and son-in-law are 29. They had a nice home at the lake------foreclosed on--gone. They own a business, but not for much longer. They have three beautiful children. My daughter and son-in-law are being investigated by CPS because of all the violent fights they have around the children. My grandchildren have started acting out (One put a cat in the freezer). If CPS doesn't send the parents to rehab, I have no other choice I'm suing the parents for custody to get the children out of hell. If that doesn't work, I'll have them arrested. I am in the process of hiring an interventionist. I have offered to pay for my daughter and son-in-law's rehab ($10,000 a month for both) in a ninety day center and take care of their children until they get out. I have set back for awhile to see if my daughter and son-in-law would get clean. No such luck. I am suing the person that started them on crack (damages). I am still searching for something to wake them up. What does it take? I'm sorry but I refuse to sit back and watch them kill themselves. I've even thought about kidnapping my daughter. I will do whatever it takes to save this family and my sanity.
I Must say i feel for you i myself come here to learn to understand my brother is a addict and its hell i mean pure hell ..he no longer sees his child who is now 14 and has alot of isses himself . my brother is clean now 30 days and its been so hard on everyone . I would take your grand babies for sure do what u can for your daughter but she wont get clean till she is ready . You can want all you want until she has had enough she wont get help . just do what u can for your grand kids and pray alot . I do know what you mean cause i will not give up on my brother EVER !!
A professional interventionist is definitely the way to go......your daughter and son-in-law are lucky to have you.......good luck!
Be well,
Be well,
nothing will help them until they want to be helped.
Actually that's not true --- research studies have shown that just as many people "get clean" that are coerced or forced into treatment than those who choose to go on their own.........a good interventionist will have a success rate of over 95% -- success being getting the troubled individual into a treatment program.........
Be well,
Be well,
"I need help to understand how people using crack can give up everything they have just for their addiction"
I can speak from a cocaine perspective, and say that users dont give a stuff about anyone or anything, as long as they get their hit, the drug can completly take over their lives.
There is a saying that a heroin user will save enough money to buy a pint of milk on the way back from getting his fix. The cocaine/crack user would just steal the pint from a doorstep and would rather spend his last penny on the drug. While this saying may not hold true for everyone, it shows how much the drug can consume you.
Another way to put it is, 2 rats in a cage. Rat A is addicted to cocaine/crack, rat B is addicted to heroin. They both have ample food and water, and have a constant supply of their chosen drug. The question is what rat will die first?
Speaking personally, I would agree that while detox centers can help you focus on the now, unless you want to give up there is a high chance you will be using 1 year on. I went through one programme, for 3 months and stayed clean, and 2 month after I came out i was back using. But the programme did kick me up the bum, and from then on my use was down, and eventually 1 year later i gave up, so they can be most beneficial. If you wanted to put them through detox, then go for it and i hope it works out for them, and be ready for a set back.
I can speak from a cocaine perspective, and say that users dont give a stuff about anyone or anything, as long as they get their hit, the drug can completly take over their lives.
There is a saying that a heroin user will save enough money to buy a pint of milk on the way back from getting his fix. The cocaine/crack user would just steal the pint from a doorstep and would rather spend his last penny on the drug. While this saying may not hold true for everyone, it shows how much the drug can consume you.
Another way to put it is, 2 rats in a cage. Rat A is addicted to cocaine/crack, rat B is addicted to heroin. They both have ample food and water, and have a constant supply of their chosen drug. The question is what rat will die first?
Speaking personally, I would agree that while detox centers can help you focus on the now, unless you want to give up there is a high chance you will be using 1 year on. I went through one programme, for 3 months and stayed clean, and 2 month after I came out i was back using. But the programme did kick me up the bum, and from then on my use was down, and eventually 1 year later i gave up, so they can be most beneficial. If you wanted to put them through detox, then go for it and i hope it works out for them, and be ready for a set back.
Thanks for all you comments. I prefer to not to give up. If I don't try to do something I don't deserve the title "Mom". My daughter and son-in-law had been broken up for a month. They went back together this weekend. I bought my grandchildren a prepaid cell phone to hide so they can call me when all hell breaks loose again. I programmed in the local police and sheriff's office numbers too. I have sent so much kneemail to God that I have callouses on my knees. I asked God to show me the way to help my children. The answer was "get tough and get going". The longer they're on the dope, the longer it will take to get clean. Good luck to all of you.
Kneemail- I love it!!! Made my day.
Kneemail- I love it!!! Made my day.