Need Help With A Friend

My girlfriend is struggling with an addiction to coke. She has been using for the last month and a half, and wasn't willing to admit it until I told her that I couldn't have her in my life is was continuing to go the way she was going. It was then she came over to my house and showed me her bag and admitted to me what she has been doing for the last month and a half. She has struggled with drugs before, but since we have been together for the last three years she hasn't used. We took a break during the summer and it was then that she got back into this scene. I do not know that much about drugs, so I am willing to listen to ideas that anyone can help me and her with. Thank you very much
Maybe when you guys were on your "break" she got mixed up with people who do coke. You need to have a serious talk with her about what the circumstances are when she gets the urges to do it and get it. If she never had any cravings all of the time you two were together then I bet you she has come into contact with a friend or friends that are doing it and got her to do it with them. Like with myself, I don't crave it everyday. The cravings come when I'm around people that I know do it and that is a "routine" when I'm with them most of the time. Or, if I'm not with those people, if I've had a couple of drinks and I know I can call and get some (I'm talking coke-NOT CRACK) then I do. But I do not wake up everyday and think, "DAMN, I want a line". But you need to make sure she prevents whatever's got her wanting to do coke NOW or it will become a routine. Help her now-do the things you guys used to do when coke wasn't a part of her life. GOOD LUCK! - Lisa