i just found this site today and i hope the people here can help me out. i have never done any type of drugs before so i dont know what to do. my girlfriend is a crank user. i fell in love with her before i found out about her past use. i told her that i could not be with someone that used drugs and she told me that she wanted to be good for me and that she would stop. She swore that she was not addicted. my question is how do u know if someone is addicted. she told me that she would go home and just smoke crank all weekend long and then come back to school. she didnt go home every weekend. after the first time we had the long talk about drugs she went home a week or two later for the weekend and when she came back i asked her if she had done it and she said she did. i was so pissed that she went home and smoked crank the first weekend after we had talked about it.
a few weeks later school was done for the summer. a month into the summer i asked her if she had done it. she said "we made a weekend out of it" the first week she got home. she told me it was like a welcome back to her town with her friends. i got pissed again and almost broke up with her but i couldnt because i love her so much. she told me that she wished she hadnt of even told me because i got so mad.
i have asked her recently if she had done it and she tells me not since the beginning of the summer, but she doesnt sound very convincing. and she doesnt like for me to ask her about it. i told her i wouldnt ask her if she would just promise me she wont do it anymore.
is she addicted and wont admit it to me or even herself? i'm really worried about her. i love her very much but i just cant stay with someone who is addicted or uses drugs like that. i'm sorry for such a long post but i'm hoping someone here can help me to get her to stop using.
i just care so much about her, even if we dont stay together forever i still want her to have a high quality of life that she is used to. i know that if she keeps using she will not be able to keep a relationship with a decent guy that will provide that life for her. help me help her. please
It is very hard to love someone with an addiction. I've been married for 23 years to the same man. I love him dearly, His addiction I hate. They will lie to the end.
Don't think she is going to be honest about drug use. She knows how you feel about it. My suggestion is to pray , cont to love them, but don't enable them. Be
smart, look for the signs. Decide if this person is worth your love. Does the good out wt the bad. My husband has been clean since Dec. 27 2003. But I still
wonder everyday is he using. When you've been lied to for so many times, its hard. I have had to pray hard for the lord to guide me and let me forgive him and his drug buddies. Walk softly if you are not in love with this person. If you love them its so much harder. I will pray for you. Also, We saw a Psychologist together. He taught me that it wasn't me. But that if I didn't forgive him. We needed to end our relationship. You can't live in the past. I get up each day and try to look at all the lord has given me and be thankful.
Don't think she is going to be honest about drug use. She knows how you feel about it. My suggestion is to pray , cont to love them, but don't enable them. Be
smart, look for the signs. Decide if this person is worth your love. Does the good out wt the bad. My husband has been clean since Dec. 27 2003. But I still
wonder everyday is he using. When you've been lied to for so many times, its hard. I have had to pray hard for the lord to guide me and let me forgive him and his drug buddies. Walk softly if you are not in love with this person. If you love them its so much harder. I will pray for you. Also, We saw a Psychologist together. He taught me that it wasn't me. But that if I didn't forgive him. We needed to end our relationship. You can't live in the past. I get up each day and try to look at all the lord has given me and be thankful.
thank you for the reply. i have been praying everynight for God to give me some kind of guidance on what to do. yesterday she told me she wanted to break up with me. she wants to be able to do what ever she wants. she is very selfish. i know that i would not have been able to stay with her forver so i think this is for the best. i still love her and will always worry about her. we talked on the phone today for a long time. she told me that she doesnt want to change. she told me that she doesnt think what she is doing is wrong. and she also told me that she has been lying to me for months about it. it hurts. one thing i have learned from this is that you have to be very careful who you love. you cant change people, no matter how hard you try. she once told me she wanted to change for me, i believed her. it was my mistake and i am paying for it with a broken heart. if anyone reads this and does drugs, you have no idea what you are doing to yourself and the people who love you. in one way or another drug use will ruin your life. please try to stop, get help if you need it. and if you want to be a drug addict dont pull someone into your life and tell them you are going to change, because you wont change. you will only hurt the person that you care about and who cares about you. i know my girlfriend loved me, she's just very selfish.
Do you think it would do any good to tell her parents about her drug use?