My wife was diagnosed with fibromyalgia by a local doctor about 1 year ago but I'm not sure of the recommended treatment. Recently, I discovered she has been ordering Norco 10/325 hydrocodone/acetamenphin pills from two different internet pharmacies. She was getting 120 pills from each pharmacy on rotating 2 week intervals. She is giving half or so to her sister which is verifiable. She also has a presrcription for Ultram from her local fibromyalgia doctor. I notice on our computer a lot of "doctor shopping." I found empty pill bottles in the garbage, hidden in the closet, and pills hidden in a laxative bottle under the sink. She also takes xanax, ambien, or other forms of sleep aids in addition to laxatives and I don't know what else!
I took all the pills and confronted her. She has been very agitated, utterly brutal toward me, and unapologetic. She claims she hid the pills because she's embarrased of her fibromyalgia and says she absolutely has no problem with drugs that needs to be addressed. I am utterly confused about the possible addictive properties of the drugs she's taking but I know fibromyalgia needs to be treated. Everything I have seen suggests an addiction but she swears she has no problem and I'm the problem because of the way I confronted her.
Does anyone have any similar experiences or can give me some advice?
Sounds like you are probably on target with your thinking. Does she have a doctor she physically goes to who treats and manages the pain??? What has he prescribed for her??? I'd be curious. If she is taking them as prescribed it's one thing but if she's getting them from on online pharmacy I'd say she may be in trouble.
Keep writing and caring for her.
Keep writing and caring for her.
Can you get her to this board? Maybe if she read through some of the posts (not the flame wars or sick puppy ones), she would recognize herself in some of us... she has to want help to receive it. You can be loving and supportive but that's about it. If you are worried about her hurting herself, then talk to her Dr. I wish that my husband and family had confronted me, maybe it wouldn't of taken me so long to get to where I am now. She's very lucky to have you.
I too, have a loved one (my 20 year old son) whom I suspected of abusing pain pills. The signs were all there, but he had an excuse for each one. I beleived him. Mostly because I was afraid not to. When I look back, I wonder how I could have been so incredibly stupid and blind. It was right in front of my eyes. Read through these posts and see for yourself the manipulation, stealing and lying addiction causes.
Your wife's medical condition is a bona fide condition, and nothing for her to be ashamed of. There is not a reason for her to hide her medication unless she is hiding something along with it.
Please, for your sake, your wife's sake and your family's sake, trust your instincts. They are probably right.
Take care,
Your wife's medical condition is a bona fide condition, and nothing for her to be ashamed of. There is not a reason for her to hide her medication unless she is hiding something along with it.
Please, for your sake, your wife's sake and your family's sake, trust your instincts. They are probably right.
Take care,
Reading your post about your wife hit home.... that could have been my husband writing about ME. I would hide pills all over the house - he would find empty pill bottles in my car, in vases, under the bed - and when he would confront me, I was NEVER apologetic.... I would get angry. I would become so COLD about everything....
I, too, had a medical condition that warranted me taking Norco, but it soon turned into a bona fide addiction. I would be willing to bet almost anything your wife is in the same boat.
I wish you the best.
I, too, had a medical condition that warranted me taking Norco, but it soon turned into a bona fide addiction. I would be willing to bet almost anything your wife is in the same boat.
I wish you the best.
That's why I was hoping he could get her to read this board... her story is OUR stories..I did the same thing, hid pill bottles to the point where I forgot where they were! I would throw away the paperwork and labels at the store so that he wouldn't find them in the trash. That way if he did find a bottle, I could say it was hormones! Total insanity.
Hey Cowgirl!
I have one closet in my home here where I use to hide pills so that no one would find them.............Since I have been clean I have not been able to go into that closet without feeling very strange, old memories and old habits.........Guess this gives the phrase "out of the closet" a new meaning for me.......And of course this was not the only place I hid pills.........they were all over the fricken place, my car, my backpack, under my bed, and even in the tool shed :) I thought I was so good at hiding these pills..........The only thing I was hiding was my self respect.
Great to see you again, love ya Russell
I have one closet in my home here where I use to hide pills so that no one would find them.............Since I have been clean I have not been able to go into that closet without feeling very strange, old memories and old habits.........Guess this gives the phrase "out of the closet" a new meaning for me.......And of course this was not the only place I hid pills.........they were all over the fricken place, my car, my backpack, under my bed, and even in the tool shed :) I thought I was so good at hiding these pills..........The only thing I was hiding was my self respect.
Great to see you again, love ya Russell
I hear you Rus, we were hiding our self respect. I'm still looking for mine.
I know what you mean about not wanting to go into the closet.. I have a box that my Grandmother left's under my bed and I can't take it out and open it. Makes me very sad. Besides, there might be pills in there and I can't bear to look. Next time my sponsor is over, I'll have her look at it.
Hope I see you in chat..
Love you too sweetheart
I know what you mean about not wanting to go into the closet.. I have a box that my Grandmother left's under my bed and I can't take it out and open it. Makes me very sad. Besides, there might be pills in there and I can't bear to look. Next time my sponsor is over, I'll have her look at it.
Hope I see you in chat..
Love you too sweetheart