I need help. Someone I love very much has told me that he had an addiction to pain pills. He told me becuz he said he is "tired". I thought I knew this person like myself, but I was blind to the problem and I dont know how to help him. He has begun to quit at home and doesnt want any professional help. I feel so many emotions, I feel sad for him, happy that he told me he wants my help, mad because he lied to me all this time and betrayed by someone I love so very much. I know he can do it, but he is having a tough few days. I just feel lost and wondered if anyone had any words of wisdom for me. I am here for him and always will be, I just need to know if there is anything I can do for him other than hugs. Thank you.
your friend is very lucky to have you in his life. You are feeling all the emotions anyone would feel for someone they love who has befallen addiction. You did not mention, or you probably don't know how much, what, and how long he has been taking. Only he knows how his body is reacting and if he is in bad withdrawals. Lots of people "quit" at home. He will be ok if you check on him and ask him how he's doing. However, if he is in great physical distress, feeling light headed and dizzy, having uncontroled diarreah, and feeling like he has a rapid heart beat, then he should go to the ER. Usually these symptoms pass after around 72 hours. Then I think he should look into going to a NA meeting for support after withdrawals. He won't be feeling too good for a while, and he might experience a depression, which, again is normal. If it gets too bad, you may want to suggest him finding a psychiatrist to help him out. Sometimes after an addiction an antidepressant helps, but some people are resistant to that notion. I know you feel like you have been deceived a bit, but , don't press the issue now. Drug addiction makes one tend to isolate physically and emotionally, so let him come around when he's able. good luck
couldnt have said it better myself suthern girl -- darn you are good
and she's right - he is lucky to have you - try not to judge, just listen and be compassionate - unfortunately, the rest is out of your control
and she's right - he is lucky to have you - try not to judge, just listen and be compassionate - unfortunately, the rest is out of your control
Sutherngrl, thank you for your response. This person who I love so much is my husband. This is day 3 for him and yesterday he had to take a few pills to wean himself. He is in alot of pain, his stomach hurts and is having the usual, sweats, shakes, sore legs, etc. He told me he has been using for about 9 years, but much more frequently the past few months, percs, Oxycon, Hydrocon, vicadin and maybe some I dont know about. He is a former alcholic, who quit cold turkey over 15 years ago, so I know he can do this, but I think its harder for him this time. He tried about 1 year ago to quit marijuana and had terrible DT's. I never wanted to have to see him go through that again. But he told me yesterday that it wasnt just the marijuana, and even then I didnt know it was so bad. I guess thats why this all seems so familiar, only this time he says its his time to stop using forever. I pray for him all the time and as I read this message board, I realize how many prayers are needed for so many people. Thank you.
Crystal, thank you for your words of support. I read that you are having a difficult time yourself, I will keep you in my prayers - my father died on the 24th of March in 1990 and even though its been 14 years, I still miss him so much. Life is precious and I know you can do this. Good luck to you.