Need Someone To Talk To

I've been taking oxys for almost a year. I had (and still have) easy access to them. Myhusband was diagnosed with cancer last year. The chemo and radiation treatments did nothing. All the drs can do now is manage his pain. I am my husbands only caregiver. I started taking an oxy once in awhile to take the edge off my situation. The worse my husband got, the more I'd take to help me cope with things. Last Monday I decided I didn't like having to depend on oxys to feel good so I took only a couple each day and on friday , I didn't take any. And have not taken any since. The withdrawls became severe by Friday night. I am feeling a little better, its been 5 days now. But I still can't keep anything in my stomach. I just want to know how long the withdrawl lasts?
Hang in there it will get better.

God Bless....
It depends on how much you were taking and for how long. The how long is a year, not too bad. The how much I'm not sure about.

Also at issue is your age and if you've been addicted to opiates before.

I'm 56 and have been addicted to opiates many, many times. Usually in my thirties and twenties, I could kick off pain pills and be better within a week.
However, the new oxycontins (which I never had the opportunity to take) are a little meaner animal, I've heard.

Still, I'd think you should be over the worst part very soon.

I just kicked off heroin six weeks ago and went through some pretty severe withdrawals for four or five weeks. Not puking and the severe stuff - that only lasted four or five days.
But "the shakes" they call it in England, that part lasted four or five weeks. I doubt you'll have to deal with that.

You'll feel better soon, and congratulations for taking control of yourself!
You must have huge willpower to do that with the drugs still in the house!

We DO get better. And you never have to go through this again!

Stay strong, the worst is over. (the physical part anyway).

As soon as possible, I'd suggest you get some support to ensure you don't decide to try them again someday. It sounds like you might be an addict just like me. You'll have to decide that for yourself.

Anyway, hugs and congratulations!
Thank you so much for replying to my post. Mark, congrats on your six weeks. I am looking forward to the day I can say that. I'm 44 yrs old and was taking about 10 oxycodone 15mgs in a day.
Aw, you're just a kid... you'll be fine.

Now go drink plenty of water and eat right (at least for a while) lol

I'm serious about getting some support or talking to a professional about addiction. It's no joke.
We have a way of minimizing the pain of withdrawals, but the feeling that kept you taking them for a year will stay with you forever.

Next time something horrible happens in your life and you feel you need an escape, or a doctor prescribes pain pills to you and you think "it's ok, it's for pain", you remember my words.

You are incredible for what you are doing. You have much to be proud of.
Congrats again.
I was concerned when you first wrote "oxy". I thought you meant oxycontin. Oxycodone or Percocet is not as hard to withdraw from and you should be feeling better pretty soon. Just hang in there. Remember that if you take one now, you'll start all over again, the withdrawal process that is.

Do you have any support darlin? Being a caretaker is a tough job. Especially when narcotics are involved and you don't have anyone to back you up or keep you safe. My dad is living with us and has end stage lung cancer...lots of pills involved. Luckily, my husband takes care of that part and I don't have to deal with it. I've been clean 6 years but that doesn't mean, that when life gets tough, I wouldn't be tempted. It's like, no one know, right? Well, I would. I would know.

Is there family, friends, hospice? Someone who can take the pressure off of you once and awhile? I am so sorry...your situation is a tough one and you shouldn' t have to do any of it alone.

I hope you keep coming back here.
welcome 825

Its so great to see newcomers :) (i'm still relatively new but feel right at home here)

Congrats on quitting those little lifesuckers. I only know what I went through with w/ds. I can promise you this though...if you chose NOT to pick up another one you'll be fine. Withdrawls are different for everyone. Some say meh it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, where others would say Kill me now!!!

I couldn't eat or drink either. Force your self. I wish I had of. I think of lack of nutrition is what kept me down longer than I needed to be.

Hope your day today will improve. And as they say, keep coming back!

hugs to you,
Shouldn't be long now...been down this road a few times myself and if you are wiser than me....most will never do this again. Some folks can quit and never come back. They are the lucky one's.....most of us, especially if we are hanging on this board, have fight on our hands that will last us the rest of our lives.

Give this some thought...some serious thought. Get clean, puke for a week then get healthy. Eat right and exercise. I cannot express how beneficial and healing for the body, mind and soul that exercise will be for your recovery. You will bounce back faster and stronger with it than without it. There is NOTHING more important than your health.

You can get support, but be careful with that too. There is a ton of mindless drivel out there that will have you believing in something you're not or worse yet, get you sucked into a life of less importance to you and more to a cause.

After you start feeling better...and you will...its important to take care of yourself. Be selfish for a while and do things for YOU! Make yourself feel good in healthy ways....let that become your habit! You will be useless as a caregiver if you cannot care for yourself.

Lastly- Yes, you can do it. Get clean and stay clean.....and only come back to this board to tell us how well you are doing without drugs. Share your thoughts about sobriety to help those here who are struggling. There is an endless revolving door of addicts here that create their own drama. Don't become one of do have a choice, so choose wisely.