Need Tech Help

How do I post an avatar in my signature space that I have saved to a folder on my hard drive?
It asks me for a url when I go to my settings, under sig. I don't have an url , just the picture itself.

Brooke, find the pic that you like and download it into it is free and copy the bottom box under the picture in the photobucket and paste it under your signature. Let me know if you need anymore help.. If you want, I will post it for you. Email me and we will discuss it if you need further assistance..
Brook, right click on the pic then click properties and a box will come up, the url address will be about halfway down. just copy and paste.

You can do it Pams way but the way I explained is easier.

that should work too John Dee, I guess I like to do things the hard way..lmao
Hey Brooke, how are you?

You have to go to and upload the picture you want. It takes 4 seconds, then you will have the url. You'll have three choices. A URL and two others, just ignore the others and use the url. Copy it by CTRL+C and then paste it CTRL+V on the site avatar field. Sorry if you already know how to copy and paste, I'm not patronizing you. It's fairly simple, all you have to do is do it once and you've got it. If you have any other trouble just holler and I might be around.
Good call John Dee. Learn a new thing everyday. So I guess you're not just a perty face.
i just learned tonight how to do it, so i might screw up here.

go to, register (free) and follow their directions for uploading 1-several pix at once.

when that upload is completed, scroll down that page and you will see your photos with all the urls supplied.

cut, copy and paste the url you want into the space on ARG, and it will download the pic to ARG from photobucket. don't worry about the other two lines under url. tag and whatever.

hope i got it right!
LMFAO JD, I just love to complicate things...
Thank you all very much, I am going to shoot for Johns way,,, seems easier. let me give this a shot.. if it doesn't work meaning if I don't get it .. lol then I will go the photo bucket way.

Thanks Again
You think we got Brook thoroughly confused by now, lol

when i right clicked on my pix in my hard drive, all i got was the file location in my system, not the url. let me know if it works that way for you, Brooke.
I forgot to tell you Brooke, when doing it my way, you must do it while in a handstand reciting the Sri Lankan national anthem.
Hell, I'm gonna try it JD's way just for the heck of it.
JD, it didn't work the way you said. It gave me no URL addy, so I guess photobucket is the only other way that I know how to do it.
LMAO flipper, ok then I will do it your way. ok lets see if this works, will post a new topic if it does.. may be a bit dizzy from standing on my head, but I can this..
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I just did it my way, it takes two seconds, lol. I think we go through this on the board every few months.
ok now Johnny boy misskate is correct just the file location,, it wouldnt take it. LOL

Guess I will be standing on my head afterall.

Hey Brook, I wanna watch...LOL Call on me if you need me.

JD, you cheated, you right clicked on her avatar and yes, it will give you the URL under properties that way. She needs it out of her photo's...
user posted image

see, it worked that way for me too....dang, i can really see your dog good in this pic.
Oh, better do it flippers way or pams way or whoever has the next easiest way,
I never said I was good at this computer stuff lol.