Need The Support

Hi Everbody,
I have been taking hydrocodone in some manner be it vicodin,vicoprofen,percocet on sat i decided to quit becuase it was or actaually had wrecked my marriage and real good friendships due to mood swings
i was addicted once before to cocaine and went in to a drug program but i cant do that now but i dont remember the withdrawals being like this the anxiety
plus the aches and pains I am so stressed i feel like taking some but since i have gotten thru 1 day i should keep going Thanx for listening Mike
Hi my name is mollyjean I just joined in 11-04.Yes I do think you should quit.Are you able to wean down until your off or is this addiction to the point that you cannot wean without over doing it.Could a friend or your wife hold onto them a help you.I know cold turkey is very hard for anyone.Soon YES ithink you should quit.You will have great support from this site.Alot of us here really do care about fellow addicts and want to help anyway we can.....mollyjean
Hi Mike,
Yes, you should keep going. It will be bad for a few days and then get better.....but you can do this. Take it one day at a time......Worry only about making it through today.......Keep youself busy if you can.......
The board is here all the time, keep other posts.......respond too it all does help!
Good Luck,
Mike, my marriage seems like it is on the verge of ending because of this addiction (though he is not threatening to leave ME.... I am getting tired of him not being there and not being supportive).

When you start taking these pills, you don't think of the consequences they have on your relationships.... I always figured that I was only hurting myself....

You will go through some weird withdrawal symptoms and they won't be pleasant, but they aren't unbearable. I cut down from 10-15 Norco a day to 5 or so a day in just 6 days and then I quit cold turkey.... and it wasn't THAT bad. Don't get me wrong, I was pretty miserable, but I didn't feel like I wanted to die.... The worst for me was the fatigue, because I have used pain pills for energy boosters for so long. The insomnia was HORRIBLE; I didn't sleep for 3 weeks, literally didn't sleep more than 1-3 hours a night, and I thought that alone would kill me. I felt better once I got put back on sleeping pills - my recovery actually went so much faster once I was able to get some real sleep.

Diarrhea? Yeah, a little bit, but nothing severe. I took a lot of Immodium.... It's funny isn't it? When you're hooked on pain pills, you can't go to the bathroom to save your life... Then you get off of them and now you can't STOP going. LOL

Vomiting? No, I didn't have that. I did have stomach cramping, but nothing we women aren't used to every 30 days anyway.

Headaches? Yes. Take advil or BC powder for that. Just make sure you don't take any Tylenol... most pain pill addicts have some liver damage (which can heal itself 99% of the time if you quit) and that damage is caused by acetaminophen.... Don't risk more damage by taking more of this stuff.

Restless Leg Syndrome? Oh my God.... THAT was a pain in the butt!!! You lie there & your legs just kick for no reason... They twitch & move and it's tough to get comfortable. At night it's the worst, but lots of people sweart by eating a banana before bed to ease the discomfort.

Body aches and pains? Yes. Mine weren't BAD.... it was just that I noticed them a lot more than before. I started taking pain pills because of back pain and when I quit taking them, that back pain was bad again. I don't know if the pain was WORSE than before or if it was just that I hadn't felt pain in a long time

Night sweats? Yes. I alternated between being really hot and breaking out into a pouring sweat to being so cold and having chills. I took a LOT of hot baths.... Just get in and make it as hot as you can stand it.

Electric Zaps? Yep. This one I found the strangest because I hadn't read anything about it... I felt like someone was shocking me and I had electricity running through my body. It didn't hurt; it just felt weird. It was like the hair all over my arms and head and legs was standing up straight from static electricity and then someone would zap me.

Sneezing? Runny nose? Slight cough? Yes, to all three. Hydrocodone is a cough suppressant, so you DO cough more when you get off of them. I don't understand the sneezing and runny nose, but it happens.

I'm sure there are more that other people will tell you about.... This forum is great... Any question you have, any symptom you want to know about, just post a topic and ask. The people on here are wonderful and will help you through this.

Just be careful about asking me something because I don't know how to give short answers - I write a book whenever I answer a post <smile> are so awesome.

Mike, how are you feeling now? Hope that reading all of this stuff from people who know exactly how you feel helps. It sure helped me. It saved my life.

The first 3 days are hell. But it does get better. I promise. Do you have support at home? Someone you can talk too? How about catching a meeting? This board is wonderful, but nothing beats face to face. The coffee's free.

Hang in there, and just remember, if you cave and take a pill, you gotta start the hell all over again eventually. Why not just get it over with now?

We care.

Hello Mike, I just read your post and I want you to know that this is the place to come to for emotional guidance. I found this site last Sunday after my husband took his Vic's for a whole week. I was searching for help and found this site. You are doing the right thing. It's best to stop using now. I will tell you this, I used for 8 years I weaned myself down to one and a half a day and went cold turkey. I have five kids. That in it's self would lead some to an addiction (haha) however no one was here to help me get off. What I done was listened to everyone on this post, took their advice and when I was feeling weak I read other post of those who were in worse situations than myself. I said alot of prayers. I found that tylenol PM helped me sleep at night. Others on this site had posted that B-12 helped as well. For the next few days you need to stay strong. It will be rough. But on day three I found my energy coming back and the mood swing gone. I will say a prayer for you. I am proud of you for coming here. I feel it will help you alot. Good Luck and God bless!