Need To Detox At Home

hey everybody. i never posted anything before. my husband and i have been doing boy daily for about 10 months now. I am in my late 50's and my husband is in his mid sixties. we did not start intentionally. it happened because we have this flower guy and one night he came over to give us the flowers and then he broke out the boy. We stared that night and have not stopped since. but now we have to stop at home and we don't know how to do it. is there any way possible that we can stop at home? how long will it take? i hope these are not stupid questions. we just don't know what to do. we are afraid. i am always afraid now especially when i think of running out of boy.if anyone has anything to tell me that might help, I would greatly appreciate it. thank you.
Detox from heroin isn't pretty and it hurts....that can be done at home...but would be better if you asked your doctor for something that will help...especially for can google the actual list of wds.....your gonna need a bucket...a blanket...immodium. ..and your bones and muscles are gonna ache....if you've never done this before...I suggest you get someone in for the both of you to help...your going to feel like you got food poisoning on top of the flu...depending on your should come through the deep wds in about 3 to 4 days...good luck...and be a doc.....detoxing from dope can be in your age gets harder...and more painful. ..need to watch your really really need to talk to a doc...there are meds to help with it...scared is what every junkie is when faced with the rattle. .for good reason...

Pls call doc

Dunno if u've already started or if you're already done- but I've done this several times over and I'd be more than happy to try to help. There are several things you are gonna need and it'll be wise if you can stock up beforehand- and then figure out some way to take approximately a week off of work or family or whatever your obligations are... You are gonna need at least five days and possibly up to ten. Everyone varies- but generally speaking the worst will be days 2-5, then'll you'll be dealing with clean up. It's gonna suck, but it can be done. People do it all the time and you can too. Let me know if you'd like the details and I'll be happy to help.

Hoping u both are well.
Hey guys,

Haven't heard anything back from you- and am hoping /wishing /praying that all is ok. I'm hoping that you are in the midst of it- and don't feel like chatting, which u surely won't. But please check in and give us a holla when u can... Sending best thoughts & wishes your way
