Need To Know Somthing

last nite i was so sick, i was throuing up, all nite now, ive been off the oxys for 1day, and i deed,ent think it would happen that fast also, ive never got sick like this mayby its the flew, i seem to cach, everthing latly, i ran out off my meds becuse the pain from my back suerger and the doct, won,t call enymoer in, what should i do, thanks karen.
Maybe it's time to stop taking them? Maybe it's time to start going to NA and get your life back? Stop playing the pill game Karen. If your dr won't call them in, chances are pretty good that you don't need them anymore and are abusing them. You've got about 7-10 days of feeling pretty crappy. Drink lots of liquids, don't get dehydrated and rest. Lots of hot baths will help too. I don't think you have the flu, it's withdrawal symptoms. If you start taking pills again though, you'll have to start all over again. Take care, Lisa
You know Karen, Lisa is right.

You come here every couple of weeks, with something new, some problem, and are using again and then ask what to do and people give you advice and you say you will take it and then you are back here again with something new, some issue, and then begin using again and then ask what to do and people give you advice and then you say you will take it and then a couple of weeks later you are back here again with something new, some disaster, and are using again and are worried and ask people for advice and then say you will take it and you try and then a couple of weeks..........

The cycle you are in is as ridiculous as the previous sentence. You wouldn't be here if in your heart you didn't want to quit, that's plain to see. Now what?

Don't give up.

When you're clean, it is easier to tell people to just stop. I know it took me much pain and heartache...that was unnecessary because I just couldn't do it.

Karen, when you are ready, you will do every single thing in your power to stop it. ANYTHING. Go to a meeting Karen. There will be so many people there that are just like you.

I will keep you in my prayers.


You ask, "what should i do?"

Well, you don't need to do it alone. What support do you have outside this board? Do you attend meetings? Do you have a therapist? Can you go to rehab?

I detoxed alone, but that's because I was stupid. I made things much harder on myself than they need have been. And even then, I was talking to my psychiatrist once a week, but not about addiction, LOL. That came later when I realized what was wrong with me. You already know that you have this disease.

Please get help. This board is not enough on its own.

Best of luck. Take care of yourself first.

It takes what it takes. As long as it takes. Frustrating, I know, but until you are willing to do WHATEVER it takes, you won't stay clean.
Karen,you wrote:

last nite i was so sick, i was throuing up, all nite now, ive been off the oxys for 1day, and i deed,ent think it would happen that fast also, ive never got sick like this mayby its the flew

Maybe it never has happend that fast for you,it surely has happened that fast for me,each and every single time.

So i tend to agree with Lisa,it is withdrawls,and they arent going to go away real fast.

Youve been to rehab,youve been to meetings,youve had the desire many times.You can do this.We are all examples of that.

What can you do????? Get help,get help whereever and however you can.End the cycle of addiction youve been living with for so long.You are worth it.Nobody will do this for you,you have to do it yourself.I think you can,i think you will,why not start right now,since the dr's have decided youre done anyway? Right?

I wish you the best of luck.We're all here.Tackle these next few days as if it were the flu if it helps get you through.Whatever helps,do it!!~KIM
I know exactly how sick you feel...I Cted by accident after taking 80-100 a day..I was in the hospital for kidney stones and even shots of demerol didn't help.....the fact that these are THIS powerful shows you how bad the drug is....first let me say...God bless you and give you the strength to get through are already you may as well carry this detox through. It will mean freedom......Do you want it? I feel like a hypocrite because i will not CT from oxy due to other physical illness..but if I were younger and thought my body could take bet I would!!! Just to be free. So you will stop vomiting and then have bad chills...pains...flu symptoms. Get into bed and sweat it will not last forever althoigh right now all you want is to feel better...believe me..I know about suffering..and I am sorry you are hurting...but this is the only way to PHYSICALLY get through it unless you check into detox. I would stick it out if I were NOT call for more...sips of showers or to keep your mind off how crappy you I have said a million only have to do this ONCE. and aftercare...because relapse is a huge problem..getting clean is only the beginning. I wish you luck...keep posting...maybe you can get some Tigan suppositories for the nausea and vomiting,,,that was the worst for me. Vicodin wds never made me sick like oxy...please..if you can...just do it. I am tapering and it sucks..a state of constant wd....get it over with..I will say a prayer for you.Stay strong.Love, Sharonn
well, i did not think i would get such hostil replay, i was just asking if enyone ever got, sick like this, number,1, this is not, the only place i come, realy you can,t get recovory from this sit, i just like rading how other people deal with there addictions, but i guess ive come to the wrong site,i get the feeling you think ive never been,in,, recovory, well your all wrong, i went throu recovory in 86, and was sobery for a vary longtime, its only been the last 2years, that things got bade with my helth, and i had to go on pain,meds, and yes its been realy hard coming off them, will i ever be pain free, no, i have a good recovory home, here, were ours is deffernt then in the states, i go to metting somtimes 2our3 days a week, our as mush as i want, and it does not cost, we are called alumni, yous make it sound like i now nothing about recovory, i have had tunups, yes, thats what we call them, and our recovory home is one off the best in ont, so im sorry you got the wrong, inperstion, thanks karen.
I took oxy for many years i have gone into w/d in less than 12 hrs at the end. It was hell. Dont get down about peoples comments. Sounds like u know what to do. U know u will feel better when clean. Get through the sickness part and hit meetings and work with others in NA/AA. Good luck
thanks brien, that is my plan, to get to as manny mettings as i can, becuse its the other addict that can understand, i guess i just got hurt by some off the coments, but your rite, thanks karen.
Karen-I didn't see anyone getting hostile.I commend Danny and Lisa for being brave enough to be honest with you.You're not new here.You just come in with a different screen name.
I remember this past summer you said the meetings you go to were not NA.If you were sharing about your pill use in an NA meeting people would confront you.
You're Doctor is cutting you off for a reason.

If you are being prescribed pain meds for a condition, then you may have to take them.However,you have said many times on here that you abuse them and so does your husband.That's a different story and as an addict I wouldn't be doing you any favors by cosigning the behavior.

I hope you get clean if that is your goal.If it's not,then I certainly can see how you would interpert most feedback as being hostile.I certainly didn't appreciate it when I was actively using.When I did decide I was willing to go to any length to get my life back,those people who were willing to be honest with me saved my life.
Food for thought.
Karen, all your posts have been about your struggle. I feel for you on that level, I really do. You and your family all have deep rooted addiction issues. You have grandchildren and so much to get clean for.

You know the drill...this is not your first picnic! If you want sobriety then you have to go to any length to get clean. Its hard when you have legit pain issues...however narcotics make pain worse over time!

Don't' be so are going to hear things that you don't want to.....we would be doing you a dis service to condone your using.

Now buck up and do the right thing!!!
I agree with everyone... esp lisa, danny and esp Tim. As fellow addicts who found recovery we dont do anyone any favors by 'cosigning' addictive behaviours or helping someone live in denial... People die everyday because no one took the time to be honest with them or wasnt strong enough to honestly help weather the storm..... Those people listed and many others here and out there are not like that... we understand and remember the sick manipulations we did to get our drugs and the 'poor baby' reactions condoning it... so it is easier for us to see....

As far as the w/d, good luck with that but it can only be temporary and this could be your last time if you choose.... even chronic pain suffers can and do manage pain meds for a comfortable life without being in active addiction but it takes HONESTY, COURAGE, AND a willingness to be clean and in recovery....

God Bless
No one here is hostile...just honest. God knows I needed it and still do. Addiction kills and ruins lives. It is no joke. People are gruff because they have been down the road and made all the excuses. We do not want to hear the truth...we want pity....sympathy...but it isn't in our best interest. I have had my a** kicked a few times here for going over the same stuff over and over w/o making a move...I know about chronic pain. legitimate use, and abuse. You are the only one responsible for you and YOU and only YOU has to REALLY want it. I am going into detox in a few weeks and I'm scared...but I am still gonna do it. I can sit here and think of a million reasons to try it AGAIN(millionth time) but it just won't cut it. I will suffer...I will come home weepy and weak...but I will have the monkey off my back and my dignity. I know you don't feel well...and I am sorry.People help in different ways...these guys are the best. They care....I don't know where I would be w/o the support I have received here...good and was all honest. Best of luck...Sharonn
Karen,I dont think anyone was TRYING to hurt you.Sometimes the things we NEED to hear arent what we WANT to hear,but its the things we NEED to hear that can help make change.Living that merry go round with pills can bring you down so much.Easy heck NO worth it....I must say I feel it truley is.Even though these past couple mths have SUCKED for me & Ive been so tempted to say the hell with it all,it would of only made things worse on me & take away all Ive been working for.
Karen you must find the inner strength to do what needs to be done.The answer to your question lie within you.
Take Care
Absolutely no hostility here Karen. I have responded to you everytime you post, and always have tried to come up with something postive to say. I will not pat you on the butt and say you're going be ok. Cuz right now? In your current situation? You are so not ok. Quit looking for sympathy and get on with this recovery that you know so much about. You are worth it, you know.
i want to aploge, for what i said the other day, i was in a lot off selfpity, and i know yous cear, im having such a hardtime, with this pain meds, andi no the time has come for me to work on getting off them they atre doing nothing but destoring my life, they don,t work enymoer, they havent for a longtime, its just habit, and the monny im spending is crazy, im just not crazy about withdruls, so im winning myself, with some help, from a friend that is a nuerse, again i appolges, i know i spelled that wrong, thanks karen.
Karen quotes
they havent for a longtime, its just habit, and the monny im spending is crazy, im just not crazy about withdruls

Karen-It's not just a habit but an addiction. A habit is sleeping on the right side of the bed every night.Minimizing the problem is classic in active using.
No one here is any better or worse.None of us are trying to make you feel bad.When we are in the middle of this insanity,it's almost impossible to see the truth.Its hard for us that are sober and clean to see the pain of another addict suffering and the denial that ensues.If we didn't call you on it it would be akin to signing your death certificate.

I don't think I've heard anyone say they enjoy withdrawls.It's not fun.You probably are going to have to go to Detox and then evaluate your pain again.
Sharon would be a great person to talk to.She is getting ready to do the same thing.

It's time.You've been at this game for too long and it saddens me every time I read your post.There is so much pain and struggle with the addiction.Your medical problems could even get better.

I would also suggest you get in touch with either Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.They have them in Canada.That group you are going to is not working.It doesn't mean they are bad people,it's just it's not adressing the real problem.
Good Luck to you.