Neurotransmitter Healing

Thought I would share this with you all.

Six days C/T now after 4 years of Vikes, MS Contin, Oxycontin ect 80%+ of the time.

Started taking L-Tyrosine and D,L- Phenylalanine over a year ago.(Metobolic Maintance brand) from my addiction Dr.

Went to my naturopath on day 3 wondering why the widthdrawals werent near half as bad as I projected.

He explained the amino acids supplements he put me on a year ago were what was doing the trick. I also take 5 HTP, AC Formula, EPA/DHA and Nutirent 950 with Iron.

Blood tests for testostrone done this week due to the fact that the opiates screwed with my adrenial glands.

Congratulations! That's wonderful. Hang in there. Good days and bad. I started taking an amino acid broad spectrum tablet about two weeks ago. I don't know if it is my imagination but I started to feel more like myself too. I'm going to keep up with them as well as a multivitamin for now. Who do you have to see who would be really knowledgeable about these vitamins? I hear alot about the adrenals these days. My daughter was born with adrenal insufficiency which means that her body doesn't make any cortisone and she is a salt waster. She has been since birth taking straight sodium chloride and cortef which is a synthetic cortisone as well as a steroid to hold the sodium in her body. Her body doesn't fight illness and injury at all. If she gets sick or hurt I have to triple her doseage of cortef to mimic a "normal" person whose cortisone naturally shoots up to protect itself. Of course in kindergarten she decided to become an ice hockey goalie. She is now 13 and still going strong. Her meds have been a godsend and we have also been very lucky. Anyway enough about us, Congrats again and keep writing!
Yes,It is true.I am a big proponent of amino acid therapy.A daily dose of a broad spectrum amino acid,SAM-e and ginseng on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast,makes a huge difference.Then take a multi-vitamin after breakfast.

I was convinced a couple of years ago I might need an AD but held out.I am glad I did.

Exercise helps all this work together.Some type of aerobics like running,swimming or biking + an anerobic like strength training facilitate the flow of blood and keep a higher level of endorphins activated.For men over 45,DHEA can be a big help with low testosterone levels without resorting to pharmeceuticals.

If the blood is moving around,your sexual capacity is at an optimum.That's all Viagra does.Obesity,alcohol and cigarette smoking all decrease blood flow.