I swear this has been the hardest past couple weeks ever in my life, and it seems to just be getting worse. Trying to stay clean is enough, but all this other horrible stuff happening everyday is just mind blowing. I keep thinking tommorow will be better than today, and then something else happens. I have gotten 4 of those phone calls where your world just stops just in the past week alone. I am only in my first month of trying to recover (I have had a couple relapses). Just needing a little support. Please..Thanks
Stardust.......So you are having one of those months, huh? We have all been there. Hang in there with your w/d, it will get better.
Do you think that perhaps everything that is happening to you just seems to be really bad because you are finally feeling again? When I got clean the first time, I was amazed at the broad spectrum of feelings that came back to life. I had been numb for so long, when my feelings actually had any affect on me at all, I was dumbfounded! Know what I mean?
Don't worry. What ever you are going through today will pass. ANd unfortunately, there will be something new to worry about tomorrow. J/J.
Just know that no matter what it is, you can handle it better clean than you could while using. We are here for you if you need to vent and/or just talk.
Keep up the good work and take care of yourself. : )
how are my sweete IM SORRY you are having such a bad time of it ...... it does seem to be like that in life just when theres a lite than darkness comes upon us all I can say is ..... take to a freind vent here let it all come out ...... and with your nice nature something good will come out of this crazy nightmare you are going throw WHAT IS GOING ON dear... I havr not been on the board to much.... I need to go to work ....I will listen along with others who care dear AND WE DO CARE vinny my sweet man love poopie
i understand where you are coming from...i really started using heavy after my daughter's husbands death, then my father in law...then it was dealing with my 10 y/o who took both deaths very hard, along with trying to help my daughter...
god never gives you more than you can handle...stay clean and it will pay off...if not remember there are plenty of good-hearted people on this board to vent to...they can offer you strength experience and advice...hang in there
god never gives you more than you can handle...stay clean and it will pay off...if not remember there are plenty of good-hearted people on this board to vent to...they can offer you strength experience and advice...hang in there
Thanks guys. I know it sounds like I am probably complaining alot, but really it is bad. My sister was put in a mental institution for a mental breakdown, and they diagnosed her with bipolar or worse schizophrenia....My fiance just found out that he is being laid off today. My best friend miscarried yesterday, and I found out that two of my cousins were sexually abused by their uncle on the other side. So I know that when you go off drugs you start to realize that you have to actually go through the pain and hurt of life on life's terms, but this is a bit much for me to handle. Sorry to unload, but it does feel better to do that, especially with people who I know understand how hard it is to be in recovery anyway. Thanks for all advice, really I greatly appreciate it.
complain away...it seems that all bad things come in bunches...it's how you react to them that counts...i feel like doodoo today...unsure what's the deal...but i found that during all of my personal tragedies i was the rock for everyone...then i took the time to realize that i can't be the rock all the time...i broke down and cried...and was given the assurance that no one can be strong all the time...it's a defense mechanism that your body gives you to deal with life...thank god that tears release some of the tension...
It's wierd I kind of feel like I am so in shock, it is giving me a false sense of being strong. I just am waiting for it all to hit me...
and it will stardust...embrace it, mourn it and let it go....
Its been said a million times but it is soooooooo right. What doesnt kill us, makes us stronger. Try to roll with the punches the best you can, just remember, using is not an option, it will only make things worse.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,