New Brand Of Suboxone Has Undone All The Tapering

This month when I went to get my prescription, I thought everything was fine because they just filled them and gave them to me. Had I known they were different pills I would have waited for the ones I've been taking. The brand is Roxane and they make me feel like I want to die. I've been on this medication for a long time and never felt like this. Uncontrollable sweating, heart palpitations, pain everywhere, it's not withdrawal but it might as well be. I've had them since the 12th and want to go to the emergency room but I'm afraid they will keep me for some reason and I have responsibilities. I think this is worst I've felt in years and that's saying a lot, I walked off methadone at 220 mg, just to get my dose smaller, three times. The last time I was on a small enough amount to get on suboxone. I've had many different brands from N8 orange ones to all the generics they came out with when my insurance didn't want to cover them anymore to the most recent white N8 ones which were working well and I was doing really great tapering. I'm just not sure what to do, the pharmacy said there's nothing they can do since I all ready got them. The side effects of these are just too much to handle. Any suggestions?
This is second time typing as this site is not good on mobil phone so i apologise if this text is unclear, teeny window. That Roxane s***e sounds just wrong. What the clinic or doctor did to you is legal? So dangerous! And others? Pharmaceutical companies know opioid sickness is big big business and that after all these years that suboxone is more addictive than researchers claimed earlier. Have you ever read how these synthetics are designed? Its very crude science, and the opioid receptors are still the subject of much study. Man I hope you can fix up this terribly negligent mistake on the part of the person who altered the brand without telling you, and THANKYOU for selflessly posting how it feels so others can watch out. I hope you can report it to a regulating body because its plain wrong. Every week my doc puts me with one of his new employees to be dosed 2/4ml alternating daily, weekly pick up, and each time i watch the 'friendly' doctor's response when i tell them im tapering off suboxone, like i repulse them because Im one of 'those' people and immediately the relationship becomes one of (mutual) mistrust. Any other health problems are met with questions that clearly show predjudice and insurance-related-reservations to help. What happened to you was a dirty trick, you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and honesty. Can you call around information lines and see if an advocate can help? I dread to think of other options, hang in there somehow, i hope you can. I'm going to research this Roxane. So dodgy!!! People don't realise how vulnerable we are to believe and trust doctors and that withrawls vary person to person, and this disease doesn't discriminate, people do.
Just realized my post has nothing to do with alternative Sub. brands.....I think I was just desperate to share, sorry if I didn't contribute. Perhaps I should not type while in mild w/d.

We moved your post to its own topic called "third day of suboxone taper.."

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