it is not weakness.... like I said... it is partly biology .... and at some point we have to forgive ourselves... having this resentment and anger inward is soooo counter productive... use it as a motivator.... and inner strength is only tested when it is tested... and getting clean is something take the strength to admit that we cant do it alone... we need a Higher Power.....
You can do this I know you can but again dwelling on these issue of 'oh how could this happen and I am sooo weak ..' really doesnt help... they just keep us sick... start a new day,..
morning CG
HELLO to all of you...
Thanks again to everyone for taking time to post in order to help me. If only I had known THEN what I know NOW about OxyC's, I would have asked the 'ole DOC for something else!! What about the rest of you?
Yes, OxyC works well, but apparently (from what I am going thru and from what I hear others of you say) it is one of the hardest (if not THE HARDEST) Narcotic Rx. Pain Pills to get off of... is that right? The addiction is incredibly tough to deal with, and my body seems to crave it REALLY bad. Plus, the mental addiction I battle is horrible. When I run low on Rx., it is all I can think of! I cannot work or function too well at all for thinking @ my beloved OxyC and how to get more... do any of you know what that mental battle and addiction is like? What advice or encouragement can you share with me? When you did finally go thru the withdrawals to get off, how long did you still crave & want it? Did the cravings finally go away, or do you STILL want more OxyC? Am I hooked for life? I hope the H*LL not!
And, I admit I cannot blame anyone but ME.... and no one else... not even the Dr. who prescribes them to me... no one forced them down my throat. No one makes me take too many on some days so that I run low or out before it is time to get my refill. No one makes me chew them up instead of swallowing them... NO one is to blame except me... "LEE, the SCUBA man!" But, SH**, if I had only known four years ago what I know now... I believe I already said that, huh?!? LOL
**GET THIS: I mean this junk has got such a hold on my life I have lost interest in most everything else. Fro example, SEX! Lets talk about SEX for a minute. I am a ladies man, and I love the ladies and what they have to offer... YUMMY. But, this OxyC stuff has made me pretty much have no desire for SEX at all. Erections are harder to come by, maintaining a hard-on is difficult some time, and I would rather take a few x-tra Oxys, chew them up, sit back and relax than enjoy the sweet piece of Honey that is laying right there beside me begging me to treat it right! And I date a lot... but I could care less now. Is anyone else out there going thru that or have you gone thru that? PLEASE, let me know, or am I the only one who has lost interest in the ladies and what they have to offer due to my addiction to OxyC. But, again if I did stop, the back pain would return, and that is another issue all together.
I nee advice.
Thanks for your help,
Thanks again to everyone for taking time to post in order to help me. If only I had known THEN what I know NOW about OxyC's, I would have asked the 'ole DOC for something else!! What about the rest of you?
Yes, OxyC works well, but apparently (from what I am going thru and from what I hear others of you say) it is one of the hardest (if not THE HARDEST) Narcotic Rx. Pain Pills to get off of... is that right? The addiction is incredibly tough to deal with, and my body seems to crave it REALLY bad. Plus, the mental addiction I battle is horrible. When I run low on Rx., it is all I can think of! I cannot work or function too well at all for thinking @ my beloved OxyC and how to get more... do any of you know what that mental battle and addiction is like? What advice or encouragement can you share with me? When you did finally go thru the withdrawals to get off, how long did you still crave & want it? Did the cravings finally go away, or do you STILL want more OxyC? Am I hooked for life? I hope the H*LL not!
And, I admit I cannot blame anyone but ME.... and no one else... not even the Dr. who prescribes them to me... no one forced them down my throat. No one makes me take too many on some days so that I run low or out before it is time to get my refill. No one makes me chew them up instead of swallowing them... NO one is to blame except me... "LEE, the SCUBA man!" But, SH**, if I had only known four years ago what I know now... I believe I already said that, huh?!? LOL
**GET THIS: I mean this junk has got such a hold on my life I have lost interest in most everything else. Fro example, SEX! Lets talk about SEX for a minute. I am a ladies man, and I love the ladies and what they have to offer... YUMMY. But, this OxyC stuff has made me pretty much have no desire for SEX at all. Erections are harder to come by, maintaining a hard-on is difficult some time, and I would rather take a few x-tra Oxys, chew them up, sit back and relax than enjoy the sweet piece of Honey that is laying right there beside me begging me to treat it right! And I date a lot... but I could care less now. Is anyone else out there going thru that or have you gone thru that? PLEASE, let me know, or am I the only one who has lost interest in the ladies and what they have to offer due to my addiction to OxyC. But, again if I did stop, the back pain would return, and that is another issue all together.
I nee advice.
Thanks for your help,
i have lost interest in everything except those dumb pills but i went to my doc yesterday and he gave me something to help with anxiety and it really seems to be helping go see your doc and fess up
Lee, I was on oxy for awhile for my chronic pain, but then I was on everything else at one time or another. I was a chewer too. Now, what really got me into trouble was vicodan. I was taking 20-30 a day and sometimes it was for my chronic pain and sometimes just to numb the mind. I have fibromyalgia so you hurt basically all the time. First, I had to admit to myself I had a major problem, then my husband and counselor (which I had been lying too forever) and for the 2nd time I went through a chronic pain behavior and wellness program. It's physical therapy and mental therapy M-F 8:30-2:00. Plus there is a Dr. there that slowly weans you off your meds. I finally got it this time and realized what I was doing to my body and my family. It is total he** living with chronic pain and not being able to take anything for it, because I'm labeled now, but the program saved my life or as they say I saved my life. If there is a program like that in your area, I would truly look into getting into it. Most of the people there have issues other that chronic pain and alot are addicts. Let me tell you, you can live with pain without pills, but it isn't very much fun. I'm also I'm on Cymbalta too which is the antidepressant and also a pain reliever. It has help me unbelievably. Please, please check to see if there is something like that in your area. I live in Kansas City.