New Here, Fighting To Stay Off Pills.

Hi there.

I just started at a new university, and I've been moving around alot- about every year. I study drama and have...whao..this is harder than I thought.

I just need someone to talk to who knows the cravings.

Signum........Hey and welcome to the board. Don't know that I can answer your questions, but will be happy to try!
Welcome, I've been here about a month and have found great help and support. I think everyone here knows the cravings, what do you need? I'll help if I can.

Signup WELCOME youll find alot of people who can understand your feelings.I'm mollyjean & if I can help I will....mj
Thanx Tridel!

I honestly do not know where to begin, or what to say. My hands are shaking just thinking about where to start.

I havent had a craving like this in a while. Probably with the new place, and things I have to cope with. I know i'll get through it, you know, taking something which seperates a person just a little from reality is already Sooo... much better.

Like I said I know I'll get through all the stress and depression, its just to not get stuck in that rut too long, too keep on moving. I know how I get, I start working really hard- I am a workoholic, it goes with the painkillers. Anything to just get away and forget.

I know I have to do this by myself, I just need someone to talk to now and then. Thank you for listening. I hope this does'nt sound stupid.
You know what's funny, I am a very open and social drama student, yet I struggle to get so little words out.


Signum........It doesn't sound stupid at all. Cravings are a very real part of recovery and have to dealt with. Especially in a new setting and stressful situation. We all have them and that is a huge trigger.
What I do is try to focus on something else demanding to take my mind off what it wants to be on. Get lost in a project, go for a walk, call a friend, come to this board, read a book. That's what works for me, although maybe not for the next person.
There are many on here who will reply and probably give you better advice. Just wanted to let you know I'm here. Good luck. This, too, shall pass.

Take care, Carol
Thanx Redd and Mollyjean37. I'll definitely try and come chat atleast once a month. I must say it feels great knowing there's a few out there who understands.
I don't think you sound silly I'm glad your reaching out.Addiction is a lonely place but we have all and still are there at times so we can understand alittle better than most.What drug/s are you trying to deal with.Have you stopped usen or do you want to?Im just trying to get to know you a bit.....mj
I should probably say no MJ, cause I use it now like smoking, I would drink two plus a muscle relaxer atleast once a day, because it is mostly for backpain, I just use it more some days than other to not feel start feeling the pain. So I would be on the painkillers for so long , there wouldnt be a gap to see if I'll be allright without it. So no.
Unfortunately I have to go now, but I would like to chat again soon, and find out more about you too.
Till next time, thank you for caring.

Post when you can there are alot of us who will be around.Take Care....mj