HI GUYS" i had so much trouble loging in on my name little h. i have been trying since last night i dont know what happened my hubby had to clear out some files the computer was to full all ready it was running to slow maybe thats what did it i dont know anyway so i changed it to my nick name little hanno but its still me little h just so u know its me" anyway how are u dear sweet members doing this morning i hope all are well . HUGS + LOVE LITTLE HANNO.
Hey, not bad. I think it looks kind of cute. I'd stick with it if I were you.....LittleHanno. lol. Much love, Kat
HI" thanks kat i have no choice my family stuck that handle on me when i was 5 and iam now umm.... well lol... lets put it this way my son graduated 2 years ago and they still call me little hanno lol....maybe being under 5 feet and waighing about the size of a 110 pound bag of flour has something to do with it lol.. anyway please take care dear member . HUGS + LOVE LITTLE HANNO.