I've been a pot addict off and of for almost 30 years. The last 10 years have been on and off again with at least 4 period of sobriety >1 yr. I am also an alcoholic and got "cured" by AA in 1981. I have no desire to drink, but I LOVE the weed. I am a mid 40's professional person, high income, great life, and I smoke on the sneak from my wife. I am also very active in many social/community activities, in fact my life is extremely active in many ways. I am an addictive, focused person, loved pot from the first puff and became addicted right away.
Three years ago I "turned myself in" to a drug counselor, because i was concerned about some possible legal problems(never happened), he was good and I loved my straight life for 18 mo.'s, then I just broke down, and I slowly developed a craving. Then I want from total sobriety to havng a bag again and being high most of time. Everything is great for a while when i get back "on". I seem more motivated, happier and able to get more work done. Then I get stuck again and see myself deteriorating somewhat. One good thing, I live in the East and I don't get strong pot, only the regular schwag or mid grade, i can pretty well function fine on it. I worry about lung cancer, I worry about total ruin if I get arrested(they are serious about pot arrests in my state). lots of negatives. But bottom line, here we have a mid 40 guy, running around in his car doing one hitters all day long. Also I live in the country, so it is very easy for me to simply walk out the door of my house and smoke wherever i want outside.
I would like to go for counseling but I don't want to be admited to inpatient rehab, because i am a professional person(license) and I don't want to be anyone's "puppet". AA doesn't really hit the spot anymore because i've been sober for 24 years from alcohol and my problem is pot and that is not what AA is about, although i know i still have the membeship requirements, "a desire to stop drinking". so that's part of me.
I had smoked for 2yrs and i only got off today. Its my first day and i am thankful that here is a site where you can tell of your deepest fears, desires, and all you need to get off and stay clean!! It will always be a part of us. Just use past tense when you think about having anything. I dont smoke pot anymore!! I hope we can all do this together cuz its support we all need!! Good luck darling and you will Succeed!!!!
good luck buddy! Yes it is very helpful to talk over your problems with other people and it really does work. Now I need to find someone to talk to without going through a pile of hooooeeey.
You are right about AA. Since it worked for you and alcohol, maybe you should check out NA. 12 steppers (I am not one) tell me they are not interchangeable.
I smoked for about six years daily, all day long. I met a guy who didnt smoke at all, I quit the next day. I never went through any of this withdrawl stuff, and never had a craving for it. I think if you are ready to quit, you will. I considered weed more of a habit rather than a addiction. If you think you are going to have a horrible experience and withdrawls, you probably will. I never thought about withdrawls, i just didnt smoke. I am now a mom, wife, and a active member of my community, and have not smoked in 15 years. It happens if your ready.
Those people who can just quit are extremely lucky. But from experience, some people do suffer withdrawal symptoms. They can be very distressing if you are just expecting to quit and be ok. People need to understand that we all go through different experiences when we quit. We are all individuals. If you do experience what you think are withdrawals, talk to someone about it. You might just feel a bit sick for a couple of days, you might feel nothing or you might really withdraw like me. My doctor was extremely worried when i told him what i was experiencing. Heart palpitations, diarrhoea, vomiting and hysterical reactions. This was only last month or so I was going through this, but I'm over it and feeling great. I used to be a cigarette smoker and a coffee drinker and just stopped without any thought, so i know it is possible. Keep it up you new quitters, you can do it. And if you do have a smoke, don't beat yourself up about it. Just start again. It won't happen overnight.