New To Board And Almost Onto Day 4 Of Ct

hi everyone i am new to this board have been posting on another one for some time but everyone has left so i need to find a new one. i have read some threads and i have so much in common with so many of you. a little over a year ago i had back surgery for a herniated disk was on percocets started at 4 a day then went up to 6 for the past 5 months. i know this may not seem like a lot but i am truley addicted. quit ct 3 weeks ago got my script filled and took again until friday night at 9 took my last one. i have not felt good very weak depressed and tired. been taking advil and b-12. also calcium works wonders for leg pain expecially taken at night. feel a little better today but still depressed and have a lot of anxiety. i am prone to anxiety anyway for years and the one thing i found is when i was taking percocets i did not have any. i think that and the energy boost is what will be missed the most. well hope to get some replies i won't ramble anymore. please take care
Hey cfm,
Wow,it's good to see you here! I know who you are from that other board,and I just wanted to say that I've followed your story and am very proud of you.You are doing really well.Anyway,just wanted to say hi,and I'm glad you found this place.It's much nicer than what was going on in the other one.(Even though I'm guilty of throwing a few punches on there myself.) Take care and be well.
Hey congratulations on day 4.I as well went cold turkey 24 days ago and I am feeling alot better today I have had some good days and bad days but you know we all can make it we will make it!!!!Good luck to you if you need anything just ask I am usually here or some of these fine humanbeings are here and we all know what your going through so keep posting......................Jessica
Hey CFM! Good to see you again.
I dont know if I can add anything but to tell you it will start getting better each day.Try and not be too harsh on yourself for relapsing.This disease is insidious and relapse is a fairly common element.The only mistake you can make is to quit trying.
During this period of time, drink lots of water.
Peeing is good.Sweating is good.Its not pretty but its good.
You will get this.You keep trying and keep me posted on your progress.
I'm thinking of you. Congratulations for making the commitment to reclaiming your life. I'm doing the same thing. I've been on sub for 3 weeks and I'm finally beginning to remember who I am. Know what I mean? I've just started working out again and you may want to try it as well. It'll take your mind off things for a while and pretty soon you'll be looking better than ever!! You can do this. Keep repeating that mantra!!
thanks everyone and great to hear from you tim!!! not feeling so anxious now but i am sooo weak my whole body just aches from being soo weak. i know it will get better sorry for complaining.2 more hours and will be on day 4. not counting hours anymore just 24 hour periods. i guess thats a start. i know without a dought i am doing it this time. i am going to try the tradmill tomm. does anyone know anything about doses of b 12 i was taking 500mcg for a week about a month ago. i went to buy more and the pharmacist told me it was to much and i only need 250 mcg. this vitamin thing is neww to me i did feel better taking 500 the 250 i don 't feel a difference. well i wil keep posting and sincerely thanks to all of you for taking the time to post i have felt really alone tthe past couple days. please take care cfm