New To The Love Of An Addict Game

I have been with this man for nearly two years now. I have known of his sexual/porn/compulsive behavior addiction for 6 months now, without him knowing that I know.
Recently I confronted him and laid it on the line. Get help or I leave.
He , ONE admitted he had the problem and TWO agreed to get help.
I on the other hand can't get over my feelings of anger, frustration, disappointment and the shattered remains of my self image.
I think I need suggestions for myself in understanding how to cope with this.
I am to the point now that I wont be able to handle any "setbacks" which of course he will have as a recovering addict.
The self image part is the hardest. How can I be what "he wants" when he wants something so unrealistic? Why does he even want me when he in all reality wants something else?
Feedback would be great... Thanks in advance.
Above all to your own self be true. Don't sacrifice yourself and destroy yourself for anyone. You must have high regard and love for yourself beforeyou can have a loving relationship withanyone. You need to start asking yourself some tough questions. Choose the path that gives you the best future.
Your husband has a physical addiction to the rush of neurochemicals that comes with watching porn. It has nothing to do with you, or your attractiveness as a woman. Trust me. Those images he's hooked on are the equivalent of martinis, and you should think of them that way. They are drinks, you are a trusted companion.

To the extent you can integrate this information, you can forgive him. Our "culture" right now shoves men into sexual addiction through internet porn and other intrusive visual stimulation. This is not your fault, of course, but it's unfortunately the reality of your situation.

This addiction can escalate to the point where he suffers severe withdrawal if he doesn't get his "fix." Unfortunately the brain chemicals that encourage him to "get his jollies" never really satisfy. They leave him hungrier.

The only real solution is for him to end his addiction, and you are wise to insist on this. The more he tries to accommodate and "feed" it, the worse it will get. We sometimes think sexual addiction is OK because it's "natural," but alcohol is natural, too, and you don't help an alcoholic by giving him what will only make his cravings worse and worse.

He needs to balance his brain chemistry. That's something you can help with by trying a different approach to lovemaking (less passion and more nurturing affection, which will improve his brain chemistry--and yours). Have a look at I think you will find this site very comforting and practical. My husband and I have been using the approach recommended there, and he healed a long-term addiction and got off of antidepressants. So there's reason for hope!

Maybe you two should also rent the video "A Drug Called Porn." Here's a link to a review of it:

Good luck!