New To This And Scared

I am new to this posting and have decided to go cold turkey from vicodin addiction for two years. I became very sick with flu-like - stomach virus and all that yucky stuff. It has been 3 days and isn't getting better. My addicition has been Secret so i can't reach out...any adive...please...does it get better? Was cold turkey not the way to go?
THANKS - Mommatwo
You can reach out here. Welcome!
How many pills were you taking each day and at what strength? Generally that determines how long withdrawal lasts and how severe it gets. But everybody is different!
Hey Momma and welcome to the board and our world.

You are not alone, most of us have been where you are now. It is going to get better, I promise. Depending on how long you've used and how much will decide how long your w/d's will be. Just remember that everytime you relapse and go through this (the w/d's) they get worse. Kinda like digging a hole. You don't get to start a new hole, you dig the same one deeper.

About 7-10 days to get over the worst of it. Hang in there. There are things to help, but mostly it's trying to get as much rest and fluids as you can. Taking walks in the fresh air helps too.

Do you have anyone at home that you can talk too? Doing this alone isn't a good idea. You need as much support as you can get.

Julieeee, I am such a mess, when I got notice of a reply i nearly broke out in tears! Well, it was about 7,000 mgs a day - give or take. Some more and some less. For a little over two years never went one day without it, Saturday night was my last ones...Sunday night all through today - wed. NEVER been so sick in my life! Husband and family say flu - they don't know. :-(
Thanks so much
Good morning mom. This is tough especially the first little while. You have found a place that will not judge you. Everyone of us has been there. We have suffered as you are right now. WELCOME :) It is so great you have found us. Post here as much as you wish with any questions. Alot of us have done it you can do it to...
Thank you so much, both of you for your kind words. I got the biggest football lump in my throat holding back tears. My so-called "friends" the providers have been called and i told them I am "DONE"...but they are at my disposal. The only person who knows my situation is my brother, who lives 4 hours away, we talk all day. I cannot go through this again, then i think I should have weaned? That;s a cop-out...I got squirmy bugs crawling under my skin and pains in my belly are worse than my giving birth to twins! OUCH! Thanks so much! will be checking back - i feel like i have an outlet already...:*-(
This forum is full of people just like you, some clean, some getting clean, some not there yet.
Typically, the worst part of the withdrawal lasts 5-7 days, but some say 3-5, everybody is different. I can tell you it will get better, but there is no way around the crappy w/d's. There are lots of home remedies for withdrawals and they do ease the symptoms some, but it SUCKS and that's just the way it is.
At first I wanted to keep my addiction secret too and did. But after awhile, I decided it was part of who I am and if people love me, they have to accept that part of me too. So I told and it worked out fine! Chances are, you husband already knows or at least suspects something.
You will have a much greater chance for success if you have some sort of support. In person would be best, but if you cannot or will not do that, use this forum for support. Post how you are feeling, especially if you get sad or feel like relapsing and people will respond and lift you back up. Getting clean is hard, staying clean is hard! That's what makes us addicts.
get ready to get blessed girfriend..........(there are angels in here and they have screen names).....but i know! thinking changed from this board in two weeks..............these addicts here are unconditional............and they understand about pills....withdraw............and you name it.........
God bless you Momma and keep comming here and begin your healing process..........
youll get the best support here momma............
love you...................thumper
Just reading you describe how you feel, brings back some horrid memories. But, you don't have to go through this ever again. It's your choice. Tapering will only prolong the enivitable and you've already gone through the worst of it, so please hang in there.

If you have cut off your supply but they are at your disposal? Sounds like you didn't try hard enough. It's good that you have your brother, is he an addict too?

I hope you feel a little better today, keep posting here, it really helps.
Welp, just went up and told husband, he knew that i took them once in a whike to relax, didn't know the extent of it...Staying home from work with me tonight and kids are going to grandmas after school. He seems a little "critical", but I confessed...didn't really feel the cloud lift with THAT confession - uh! Thanks to everyone out there for such a tremendous reply - He's getting me some gatorade - nothing left in my system...lost 4 lbs since sunday...Hope tomorrow is better, i just can't inagine functioning without from days on forward...Much saddness...thank you all.
Another thought moma. I was turned on to 12 step workbook from someone on here. Maybe you could look at it and start doing some of the excersizes. It will help keep your mind off wanting pills and maybe just maybe give you some tools to make some better decisions. You can do this. Have faith in you HP pray, post, cry, get it all out.

U can do it! U seem to be in heightened withdrawals, but they dont last and gradually u will feel better. I am on day 14 and i can c a difference. I feel MUCH better w/out the pills. U will get thru, just keep posting!

Just hang on tight, you will get through this.

Now that you have told your husband, you at least dont have to lie about why you are feeling so horrible. You are going to need his help over the next few days.

I also am a mother of two very young little ones, and this has been the biggest struggle of my life.

I thought the pills made me super mom, super wife, but in reality they just turned me into a junkie, who would do anything to get her pills.

Your physical withdrawals shouldnt last much longer .............Then you need to be prepared to deal with the mental part.

I have so much guilt for all I have done, but all I can do is look forward and try to be the person I want to be.

Keep posting, it helps so much, We have all been through this and will help you any way that we can.

Take care of you, and keep us informed.

Hugs to you!
He's probably shocked right now! Give him a little time. He is taking care of you now though and that's what you wanted. He'll probably do some research about it in the next few days and will come to understand addiction a little more. Go and lay down and check in whenever you can! Your symptoms can be lessened and people here can help you with that!
THUMPER - had that nickname in school - way back when - tiny quivering smile.
So I called the 2 people and told them I wa very sick and since getting the "FLU" i have decided to just come clean (Besdies, I can't pay for them anymore! Didn't tell THEM THAT) - Tired of scraping up cash - told them I am just done and being tied to these things. I just know it only takes a phone call or a walk down the street, etc. I am embarrassed to reach out to the true friends and family because I have hid it from them...Funny thing, I am only kidding myself because they all knew I was "Occasional". My brother is also an active user and is cheering me on. He lives a few states away and his addiction has grown just as bad. He wants to stop but just can't right now. I am the "big sister" - I am gonna go try some crackers and ginger ale - thanks friends.
As you will find by reading this board, part of recovery is truthfulness. You can quit the vicoden and not be in recovery. It would be an amazing person that can quit and stay quit, without NA, AA, or some type of support program.

You have taken the first step by quiting. I am all for telling your spouse. He will soon notice that this isn't the flu. Heck, he is liable to call the ambulance.

All people have something to overcome, if you open up to others, they will tell you their story.

Good luck and stay safe.
Hey mom...Welcome to the board..I know all to well what you
are feeling right now, and it sucks!!..But I promise you it will pass...
Just hang in there and keep posting..Little by little IT WILL get
better...After awhile you will feel so powerfull, having takin your
life back..You are so worth it!!..

Hello everyone. I was so happy to find this site. I have been using codiene since the late 1980's. Not prescription strength, but tylenol #1. I usually take between 30 and 45 a day.

I have been trying to stop for some time now....and I really am motivated. It is the headaches that lead me back. I have gone 2 and /2 days, and then the pain is so unreal I cant live with it.

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what I can do to help me get past the headaches? They are so violent that I obviously vomit, and and my entire body trembles. The pills dont make me feel good....they just allow me to function, but it is way past the time I should have stopped taking them. Its so hard to talk to anyone about embarrassing.

OMG JUSTJANE - I cannot even type through the niagrra falls of tears that are splashing on my keyboard! Your story is so similar...I am cannot type the whole thing. I have to lay down. I too was recreational, two small children, busy house, straight A deans list student, etc... It was fun, to relax, only after 11pm...I live in an area where you can get anything at anytime...Didn't loose it all yet, but i feel the grip loosening, like I may snap out...Can't shake the heebie jeebies under my skin and just knowing two little "vivkies" will make me feel so much better...I've gone this far and never have before...So i am going to try - I have to, my kids wanna know what's wrong with mommy? How sad?
JAVAGIRL - yes, super-everything, but deep down, it would drive around and take my kids to visit a friend who told me "Vickie" has stopped by for some coffee. Big tears and a small smile underneath. Thank you all...