New Too This...

My nameis Melissa and im a cross addict im trying to quit now its been 2 days sience i took any painkillers, but I am perscribed ultrams cuz of my addiction! When i get stressed out I end up taking at least 10 or more!! This is one of the hardest things ive ever had to do!!! I need help and advice!

-the mods
Hi Melissa, welcome. Yeah, stopping pills was one of the hardest things I had to do too. How are you on day 3? You know, ultram is just as addicting as the other stuff. I understand what you mean about stress and taking more pills but that's the kind of addictive behavior we have to stop. We've all been there though and more people will be along to give you more advice. Keep comin back.
hi there looks like we both joined here on same day, i hope you are feelin ok today, its really hard aint it and well done you for doing 3days i dont know about u but time just isnt the same when u arnt taken anything, its like every min is an hour and every hour lasts a day.... but hang in there, my name is Dee i logged on here yesteday and it is already helping me, im a meth user and i smoke h, iam goin to try and just stick to the meth to get me on path to getting clean, i have had advice from some really nice people on here,i hope u get the help u need to, all the best to u
Welcome and Happy New Years everyone.
Why are you being prescribed Ultram for addiction? Maybe I'm not reading that right.Ultram is more dangerous than regular narcotics like hydro's to detox off.You might need to have some medical asistance.
Hi & welcome....When I first joined here 3+ years ago I was up to 20 + ULTRAM A DAY.Crazy huh?For me trying to wean off them or trying to just quick cold turkey was NOT something I could do.

First does your DR know how danerous Ultram can be in an addicts hands?Does your DR know about you?iF NOT FESS UP.You can beat this,however it may be a long haul.

Can you give us so more info on both of yous?

Again welcome...mj
Hey mellisa, welcome to the board. It can be a little slow here at times. I hope that you are able to get back on and tell us a bit more. A Doctor RX'ing a drug like Ultram to help with addiction is like killing a fly with a bazooka!

Please share a little more about your story, someone will be back to talk soon!

Hope your doing well today.
Welcome Melissa - You're in the right place. Keep posting. I used to go down from Percocet to Ultram as they are usually in my house. My husband takes one occasionally for his knee. I can't tell you how much time and energy I used to spend tearing the house apart looking for his hiding spot. They are addictive pills. You just don't get the buzz from them. I can't understand why your doctor gave them to you either.

Most people need help to get off of drugs. It's almost impossible to do it yourself. Do you have any 12 step meetings in your area? You will find alot help and support there. You will also find out how many are just like you. Good luck!