
Hi eveyone,
I hope all is going well.
Just a little of why I''m here.I was on percs(20 5/325 a day for 4 years) then DR added 50 mg methadone per day I was on the methadone for 10-12 months.I quit takin them on1/29/05 and started a sub program.I started out on 8mg,and went down 2 mg every few days.It took 3 weeks on sub program.Now here's the problem,it's been 17 days off sub and the anxiety is soo intense,I was rushed to the hospital,after I stopped breathing in my husban's arms.They put me on some Ativan(1mg every 6hrs.)They help a little,but the thing that scares me is I think my sub program was too short,because I refused to go to a out patient program(financial reasons) my DR won't help me out at all.Does any one know what the physical w/d time is on Methadone,like I said I was on it less then a year and I haven't had any for over a month now,but these w/d seem to get so bad,I'm afraid I'll go back to my DOC.I want to be clean soo bad,I'm a mom of 4 and married to a wonderful man who has supported me through ALL of this.
If anyone has any knowledge or even suggestions,I could really need it!!
Thanks for takin the time to read this!! Have a good day & Stay strong.And congrats to all who made it through,it's comforting to know there's a way!!
Take care,
Dear NEWBIE(thats cute) First welcome.There are many hear who can help.I am currently on sub 16mg a day,my thinks I may be on it a long time so I cant help with that.There is a lady on here(Rae73)she knows Alot about methodone & tapering she should be on soon
Im sorry your feeling crappy right now,I think maybe you did come off the sub alittle too fast for you.Everyone is different & some need it longer than others.
So I hope you stick around I know we all will do whatever we can to try & help....mj
First of all WELLCOME to the board, glad you're here.
What was your methadone dose when you swapped onto sub? maybe your taper was too fast, can you have a word with your doctor? but saying that your off everything now arent cha? so i would imaging things will start to feel better soon, not sure how long, someone'll be along in a bit who can offer better advice than this.
I was on methadone for 2 1/2 years and weaned down from 20 mgs a day to 2 1/2 mgs a day. I quit on Aug 13th, 2002. I counted to Day # 65 before I really started feeling " normal again. I think your withdrawl is a combination between the methadone and the suboxone. You were on the sub last and for a short time. You did a pretty quit taper though. If your thinking about going on anything at all it would be to try the sub again if possible and SLOWLY taper off it. Finding a good doctor is the key. Have you tried Out-patient treatment or NA? What are some of your symptoms today? Welcome to the board. I know it's hard to care for a family and be sick, it is horrible. I have 3 chidren so I know it is hard. You will get through this. Rae
Told ya xxx
Hey Gabbi,
How are ya? Your on sub right? How long does your doctor plan to keep you on it? Sandy, I seriously believe if you can hold out a little longer every day should get a little better for you. Please keep us posted! Rae
Hey Rae,
I've been on sub since the summer of 2002!!!!.... I know an eternity. But i havent used heroin since then, so although i'm doing a ridiculously slooow taper, it is working cos i'm smack free. Y'see my drugworker says the taper is controlled by me, so i'm kinda stuck here!!! I plan to reduce again when i get back off my hols, so i will let everyone know how i go on. but for the mo' i'm stuck here xxx
If you were on meth that long you probably should have stayed on sub for a few months, meth stays with you a long time.

not familiar with meth, but I am on sub. It sounds like you were not on sub long enough and your taper was fast. I've been finding slow taper is working for me, can you talk to another doctor?
