
hello, I am a druggie. I guess that sums it all up.
welcome doo,

what are you using? how can we help. you are so not alone.

Hi Doo, welcome to the board!

What is your drug of choice?
my drug of choice is percocet. but I would take any pill I could get my hands on. I am trying stop making bad chioces in my life. We'll see.
Welcome Doo....were all here to help in any way we can...

Hi Doo
I'm a druggie too but I don't take drugs anymore. Do you want to get off them? Have you talked to your doctor about detoxing?

you can do it, lots of people have done it before you, just know there is hope. it isnt easy but it does get easier. the withdrawals dont last forever. then you will have some mental crap to work through, but the more clean time you can collect, the easier it gets when you work and practice your tools and safety nets. how long have you been on the percs?

DO I WANT TO GET OFF DRUGS??????? I THINK I DOO. I come from a wealthy family and I married a wealthy man and Plastic Surgery got me started on pain pills. You have surgery and get pain pills, have more surgery get more can always find things to improve in the looks department if u know what i mean.

yep i do know what you mean and i am sure a few others on here can definately relate. like i said your not alone. it takes time and it takes what it takes. what i did at first was got educated on all my options and choices. then i decided what was best for me and my family, i chose and out patient detox. it lasted 5 days, then i went to a councelor for almost a year. learned alot more ways to stay clean and how to handle clean life. just keep posting and reading. you are here that is a huge step alone.


Welcome to the board.

Hello Doo
welcome to the board.......I am also addicted to percocet, for 25 years
Although I would never have a surgery to get pills, but there are many like you that do & I guess that is just another yet for all of us!
Addiction makes us all do things we wouldn't do other wise
Are you still taking them? if so, how many a day? are you planning anymore surgery?
Tell us a little more...........How can we help you?
Have you talked to your doctor? Have you considered a detox? Have you considered AA or NA? What are you willing to do to get clean?
Hey Doo
Welcome to the board! If youre posting here i get the feeling you must not be feeling so hot or things arent working like they used to. Stay around awhile and keep posting and asking questions....Were here for you!!
Welcome Doo, please share some more about yourself whenever you start feeling better. I'm right here with you, in the same boat and I am tapering and I'm down to one pill a day. This can be done and we will be right here for you each step of the way. Take Care.
you don't have to get surgery to get pills u know. you can order them right here on line as i'm sure most of u know. I don't use pills as a crutch for a fake illness nor do I create an illness to get more pills from a doctor. So the only doctor I see is the plastic one. Are all of you clean or are you on other drugs just not your drug of choice? I want to be clean of all drugs not to be on other drugs. I have been looking and reading through this sight for a day now and it seems that most of u are on so many drugs that it makes my head spin.
I to was in your situation. Married a great guy with lots of money to buy the pills. That sure doesn't help. lol How many percs are you taking in a day? First time I went cold turkey. That was horrible. Never would I do or reccomend that. Was clean for over year and a half and relapsed. I am clean again. I weaned myself the second time. It was hard but I was like you, I did not want to take any drugs. Get a plan, pray about, and set a date. After that, it takes a strong will and determination. Best of Luck
I haven't had a drink or drug for a few 24 hours and there are others here that are drug free. There's recovery here if you want it. Some people may need to take certain drugs for certain illnesses. That's up to them. What are you willing to do to get clean? What length are you willing to go? Have you considered a detox and rehab?
I take 6 to 8 pills a day. I am a not a person who sits around and pops pills all day and lays up in the bed un able to function all day. I am active in my countryclub and social events. I eat well balanced meals and get 8 hours of sleep a night and i do not sleep all day. Do I have it in me to do a rehab? NO. I feel like I can kick this on my own as I am a strong willed person. I would like to use this forum as long as i feel that I am not dealing with alot of phony people who are using this for tea and sympathy. I don't believe in alot of the problems that people use to get drugs from doctors, ie fibro etc....
I'm sure you are very different from the rest of us. We all felt our problem wasn't that bad or that we were different from the rest. We had to learn to stop comparing and look for similarities. You came here looking for help but are trying to alienate yourself. We know what you're going thru no matter how we got our pills or how many we took. You must think you have a problem or you wouldn't be here. We can help if you want it. If you think you're better than us, I don't think you'll make too many friends. Stick around.
I can sorta relate. I too have gotten pain pills from my plastic surgeries and also took so many the day they put me under to do one of my procedures, I was scared to death I may not wake up. My habit got HUGE. Lortab's 10/500. Took amounts hate to tell people. Some people on these boards know and were way supportive. Online pharmacies got my habit going out of control and money too. Anyway, all I wanted to say is I went c/t. I had had enough. Once you really make up your mind and get a WILL do it...if you really really want to be clean. It was the MOST important thing in my life to do at that time. It was hard but so worth it. My life is so much better then it was in a long time. I'm so thankful. You can do this....good luck....