Next 7 Hrs

I did some things this what do I do for the next 7 hrs before bedtime?

Don't feel liks grocery shopping, yard work, excercise, or taking care of children right now. How do you keep a schedule so your mind doesn't wonder?
Hi Eyes...
For me, I got involved with AA and started attending meetings where I met people who had been where I was at and they helped me get through a lot of the beginning stages and gave me some great suggestions.....Plus, for the hour I was in a meeting, I'd find that my mind would quit racing and I could listen to others share & find a bit of peace.

I also read recovery books, I read "Alcoholics Anonymous" (Big Book) first then I picked up others that were recovery related and I learned about this disease, I learned about relapse and how I didn't have to live the way I had been living for so long, addicted to pills and alcohol.

Hope you're doing okay....Oh, and I pray during my quiet times...

its tough keeping busy,when you have no desire to do much of anything! Staceys right,getting into the meetings as much as possible is great. I also read alot of self help books,not just about addiction,but anything that i feel i can learn something from.I could read 24/7,but then NOTHING gets done around here,lol. Ive done it,too many times to count!

Another thing that helps is to keep a jouranl.You know,i read and read and read about people on here keeping journals,and i just didnt see the point.But i have since started doing it myself and i have to say,honestly,it is the most cathartic thing ive ever done.Maybe you could start a daily journal of your thoughts,feelings,wants?

I pray things are going well for you today.Hang in there,it will get better.~KIM
Good Morning!

Well I had planned going to a meeting lastnight but I did not make it. I am going to my sweat tonight. It will help because the couple who run the sweat happen to be drug counselors and they are kind people and knowledgeable in this area. I have never disclosed what is going on with me but tonight I will and I feel good about that.

Pray for me because here it is another weekend and I have already been thinking about how it is ok to use for the weekend only. (i know it is not) but that is where my mind goes 20 times a day.

I will pop in from time to time today for strength
