Night Time Sweats


It's me again. As Ive said before, Ive been snorting oxy's for about 2 years now. I am using more then ever. I know I should taper down but I'm finding this impossible. Lately Ive been waking up in the middle of the night, jonesin and having horrible cold sweats! I am also shaking like crazy. During the day, if I dont snort about every 3 or 4 hours I start to jones too. Is this typical? Can anyone tell me if this happens to everyone? Im so tired of waking up, all cold and sweaty. Also Ive had a really bad stiff neck for about a week now. Can someone help?! Please let me know if this has every happened to you. I dont know what to do. I seem to be caught in a vicious cycle. I really want to cut down my use so that my supply will last a month, but I dont seem to be having much luck. I feel so angry and disapointed in myself.


Mrs. PaulieBear
Hi, I too am addicted to oxys. I'm going through the same night time sweats. It's awful!! I've been trying to cut down so I can eventually get off these things but I can't seem to do it. I don't want to do them anymore but the withdrawl is impossible to deal with. I'm a single mom with 5 kids and two of them are only 1 and 2. I've been told to try to cut down but very few people are able to do this. I don't know what to do anymore, I wish I could just make it stop. It is a vicious cycle. I only do a 40 a day sometimes 2. You are doing way more than that. You should try cutting down. You don't need to do that many in a day to get that effect. One 40 can give you a run for almost 24 hours without the w/d kicking in. I'm hoping to get this thing beat, I really am. I hope you can too!! If you are jonesing that bad maybe you should consider rehab. It's a great place to learn tools to deal with addiction.
Wildchild, ah with all due respect-everyones body I'd different. 1 40 mg oxy didn't do s#it for me when I was useing heavy. I took 2 80's just to get out of bed before I checked into rehab. Speaking of rehab, have you been? Just wondering cause of the advice you gave to paulie?

Paulie, I think you are sweating in the middle of the night cause you are probably starting to w/d. Which means you now require opiates around the clock to not w/d. Unless you think its menopause related? That certainly is a possibility but..I'm sure its the drugs. So what are your options? You eventually have to come off this stuff. Weather its today or 2 years from today. Whether its at home, in rehab, in jail....oc w/d is horrible but like anything else it can be done. I don't have much time to post right now, but I wanted to post real quick and welcome you to the board. I was taking about 5-8 80's a day at the height of my oc run. I did check into rehab for that detox. They did a methadone detox for 7 days. I will look for you later.
I really want to cut down my use so that my supply will last a month
I really want to cut down my use so that my supply will last a month,

.........but I don't really want to stop using I just want to learn how to manage it.

Good Luck

I'm not making fun of you but just want you to realize how insane that is.You're an addict.If any of us had figured that out,we wouldn't be addicts.

Normal people don't huff oxy's.Period.Crushing OC's and snorting 100's of milligrams of oxycodone is no different than the street addict shooting his dope.
In fact it's even stronger because you're getting a pure,un-cut opiate.
When you reach this stage,3-4 hours is about all you have before you need another fix.Trying to manage it and taper is another hell.

OxyContin,OpanaER have a coating that allows the drug to be slowly absorbed over a 12 hour period.If this is broken,chewed or crushed, the whole dose is released at once.Drug addicts found this out relatively soon.Then it becomes another fast acting opiate with a 4-6 hour life.It's no different than taking Percocet only you are taking the equivalent of about 8 at one timeif it's a 40OC, if it's an 80 OC you are taking 16 Perocet 5 mg at one time.

You need to go to rehab and detox.
Wanted to pop in & first say hello & also I must agree with Tim n Lynn.i am also a pill addict who tried many many times,to decrease my pills in order to stop.All i ended up doing was making up excuses n barganing with myself...You know the old...Ok I can do 3 today but that means I only get 2 tomarrow.And before you know have nothing left.
For many years I was a single mom too.That had to of been one of the hardest things in my life to try n handle.But I did(somewhat)& Im glad I did.

Anyways,I didnt see if you answered this but i must ask.How do you get the oxy?Dr script or do you buy it off the street?


So Paulie and Wild Child... where are you? I hope you'll be back, but please know if you get perturbed at something you hear here.. it's because you know deep down that there is truth in it. LISTEN. PLEASE. It sucks so bad that someone else can't do this for you.

I took 8-15 percocets a day for the first couple years of my daughters life... and I was mad at the world if someone asked me what I was gonna do about it. You found this site for a reason. Use the information.


I know what you mean about nighttime sweats and also dayttime sweats. But tonight my main problem is my ankles and legs feel like they have anchors on them, and I can't hold them still. If anyone knows what can help this, please share. I have been on morphine everyday for five years, and have just recently went off of it cold turkey. I'm through the worst of it now, I think, but there for awhile, I didn't think I was going to make it.
Thats called RLS and again it's part of withdrawls.
Everybody that has posted on here,except Stacey &MJ are going through opiate withdrawls.I will post a link that describes some of the things that will happen when you stop.

It's not going to get better either.Agonist opiates have no ceiling effect and you would be surprised at the amounts of dope an addict can take.It would kill a normal person.

The problem with snorting OxyContin,MSContin,OpanaER is you release a heavy dose of narcotic in your system all at once.Hence,an incredible and addictive euphoria.I was hooked immediately.These drugs are meant for people who have Cancer and debilitating pain that need round-the-clock pain managemeant.If it was just a matter of dealing with normal pain from some surgery they would give you Vicodin or Percocet that has a 4-6 life.

You're drug addicts and either will have to go into detox,tell your pain mgmt. doctors what's going on so they can wean you off,or go cold turkey and seek outside support like NA.

You have to admit you are an addict and quit trying to control this.
Only an addict will crush a pill to snort it.

symptoms of opiate withdrawl
My Webpage
Another article on withdrawl symptoms: Nursing Education:
Opiate withdrawal syndrome is generally not life-threatening in the absence of medical
and psychiatric co-morbidities. Pharmacologic therapies are aimed at reducing the
drive or craving for drugs, and the agitation and somatic and psychological distress
accompanying withdrawal. Onset of withdrawal generally coincides with the time of the
next habitual drug dose 4-6 hours for heroin and more frequent for methadone.
The intensity can be expected to increase directly with the dose, the duration of use, the
time since the last dose and inversely with the general health of the abuser. The
duration of the acute withdrawal syndrome can last 7 days for heroin, 7-14 days for
opiate analgesics, and up to 28 days or more for methadone. Protracted abstinence,
with more subtle physiological and behavioral aspects, may last as long as one year.
A symptom-oriented non-opiate approach to withdrawal uses the alpha-2 adrenergic
agonist, Clonidine. Clonidine is helpful because it blocks the adrenergic discharge in
the brain produced by opiate withdrawal, thus reducing the signs and symptoms of
withdrawal. Clonidine can reduce symptoms by 50-75%.
Opiate Withdrawal Syndrome
Grade 1:
Lacrimation, rhinorrhea, diaphoresis, yawning, restlessness, insomnia.
Grade 2:
Dilated pupils. Arthralgia, piloerection, muscle twitching, myalgia, abdominal pain.
Grade 3:
Tachycardia, tachypnea, hypertension, fever, anorexia, nausea, extreme restlessness.
Grade 4:
Diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting, hyperglycemia, hypotension, curled-up position
Don't you just hate it when someone calls you on your bulls***?