Nighttime Is The Hardest Part

Having a tough time.

I haven't touched anything.

But I'm having a tough time.
Jodi if you answered this sorry--Why cant you go to Rehab??

I agree with that is the worst part...but in a few hours, it will be a new day and you can have a day clean/sober and I know you want this...

I'm going to send you an e-mail in about 10 minutes...I want you to try and call me me, call Lisa, e-mail Tim, post on this board, do all these things first before you decide to pick up....

I remember Teresa telling me....tell yourself over & over, using isn't an option....

Go read some of the Big Book....

Pray for yourself Jodi...ask for his help....
Dear Jodi,

I haven't replied to you before, but I have been watching your struggle. I don't have any great words of wisdom, but I am praying for you. The nights are long. When I was withdrawing, I read, read, read and prayed. Most of the time I didn't have a clue what I had read, but it helped the time pass. I would also picture myself sober and free from drugs and how much better my life was going to be.

I am praying for you Jodi. Hang on.

Believe Jodi- It may seem right now like you will never sleep again but you will...hang in there
It would only take one second to ruin what I have worked so hard for all day.

What a waste.

Just one day Jodi.
Jodi-the nights were the worst for me.I knew I wasn't going to sleep and the anxiety from that created panic.
What time is your AA meeting tomorrow?
All you have to do is focus on getting through one hour at a time.Stay on the board.I was here all day and will check in.My work is slow so I've been here a lot this week.
Keep posting
Just a few hours can do it...

It's ok to have a tough time and it's ok to feel like s***, Jodi. It's just not ok to use. Keep telling yourself it's just today. Just one day is all you have to do. If you can't do a day, do an hour, do a minute. Get a glass of water. Take a deep breath. Try to eat something. I read a lot when I was detoxing. I didn't understand a thing but it kept my mind busy. Hang in there, hon. You're doing fine.
Jodi-Dump the booze down the drain .Get it out of the house while you are strong.If hubby throws a fit,tell him if he wants to drink to hit a bar.It ain't going to happen here tonight.
Does anyone here know why Jodi wrote she cannot go to rehab now?

Sounds like this is the only logical action?

Maybe I missed something.
Good question Jeff.Maybe Jodi can tell us.I know she did say she was self-employed but that seems like it would make it easier?
Every nerve in my body feels like it's on fire. I feel like I'm going to lose my freaking mind.

I'll be okay....I keep telling myself that.

Tim, if I do that, the cops will end up here.
Tim, if I do that, the cops will end up here.

Tim, I think she means her husband will get pissed if she dumps the booze and they will end up in a fight. Shantel
Thanks Shantel.I don't know what else to say.
A house full of liquor,a neighbor with pills............
I'll say a prayer for you.

My nights are still not great. I remember those first several. They are scary. I kept myself busy. I was alwaysdoing something. You will sleep. Using is not an opition. Do you know why,,,,, you will have to go through this again and WORSE. So please, keep it real. How much clean time do you have now.

It does get better, getting clean is a miracle. Its a transformation. But you need to get off the junk in order to do it!

Ill pray for you


Please don't drink. Not tonight. You ARE doing is not a question of whether or not you can...YOU ARE.

Like Kat said...drinking isn't an option. Everything else is. So do everything else. Write, cry, sleep, watch TV, read, sew, run, bath, eat, clean, cook, listen to music, shop online, go for a walk. By the time you get through doing all that you will be through the night, and you will have made it!

You have lots of options Jodi...don't let your mind close you off....stay open, wide open, and breath deep.

I am praying for you too.

Much, much love and light

Hi Jody,i can still remeber those nights,you never forget how they felt,even months and months later when youre feeling oh so much better.But you know what,you will look back at this and have such a sense of pride for having made it through.

It must be so hard to fight this alone while the stuff is in the house and your husband is there using daily.I cant begin to imagine, have a strong desire to end that cycle for you and only you,and we all believe in you no matter what.For me,reading was impossible,i would try but the words just ran together along with my tears.I literally would just lay for days and cry,but my miind was still working and i would think of all the things i wanted in my life.All the things i wanted to make better,and i constantly thought about that.

Get a couple days under your belt,take it minute by minute,the difeerence you will feel,and much sooner than you can imagine,will be so worth it Jodie.

Hang in there tonight,we're all here to help ,support,listen,to whatever you need.~KIM
Just tonite sweetie...all you have to do is tonite...then tomorrow will be a new day. Think of the confidence you''ll have gained with 1 night under your belt. A lot of us are rooting for you...beccause we BELIEVE in you. My e-mail is We are all here to get you thru the toughest hours...take advantage of it...stay online all night if it helps...God will help you...Love, Sharonn