No One Aska About Me

Hey guys

Im sorry i get lonely with this./ No one seems to write to me or see how i am doing. I have had it soo tough the last year. I lost the love of my life, dated her for 4 years wanted to marry her, it red to a relapse and now ive been cl;ean for 12 days. I took sub to help. Im down to 5mgs a day.

I think im gonna start a anti dep either lexapro 10mg or soethmg similiar

im soo sad
Hey Red..actually someone did start a thread for you asking how you were, I think it was Brookshire. You must of missed it.

It's easy to get down right now, so it's really important to get back into life. Join a gym, meet friends for coffee...anything to get you out of the house and out of your head.

You really sound like an anti-depressant might be appropriate.

That's so great that you've got 12 days off of the pills. Be proud. I know that Sub is a crutch, but it still takes a lot of strength to do what you're doing.

Hang in there buddy.

Reddog,im so sorry youre feeling so lonely and sad.It seems youve had alot of things happening in the past year.I cant imagine what youre going through.But i do know that you have done something wonderful for yourself 12 days ago,youve taken the steps to start making your life better and you should be proud of that! Hang onto that,its tough,real tough,but things will start looking up soon.Im sorry i havent posted to you sooner,im also in the early stages of this recovery process and i sometimes find it hard to give advice,but i finally realised that im capable of giving encouragement,i dont need to be years into this to lend an ear,extend a hand.I would like to do that for you.Please feel free to email me anytime,i am here ALOT lately and i could use another friend,take care,hope tomorrow finds you feeling much better!~KIM
Dog, hope you are doing okay. I know the sadness...but, I promise you, if you stay clean, you can start a new life.

I am sorry to hear about the relationship..I don't have the magical words to take away the pain.

Keep your head up, and check out aa and can help with the healing part of the disease...

Hi, reddog, it makes me feel sad to read that your are feeling alone. You have had a tough year. It must be so hard for you right now. You must be a strong person to go through what you have and still find the strength to get clean. I know there's not much we can all say to make you feel better right now...just know that we do care. Write how you feel every day..and inch by inch you're going to live again. thinking of you.
Reddog.I dont think if we have talked.i have read a few of your post...But,i know the feeling of sad,lonely,as if you arent loved.Since my addiction i feel the same way.I feel insurcure about myself and marriage.I feel as my husband and myself are just here for the kids.And to know this is where you can count ofn someone to talk with and express your emotions.Thier are people here that is your friend and cares about you.You are loved here more then you know. Maybe we could talk sometime .What your story if you would share it with me. take care,crystal


Hey,,, 12 days is great. Keep it up. I'm sorry you're having a bad time right now but let me tell you that everyday will get better and better.

Take care


Not only is CG correct, but I have emailed you several times, yet you never respond to emails or anything that is written to you on the board.

You may want to try and be of some help to others as well, that will make you feel better, in my opinion. Knowing what you have just accomplished would help someone else..
There are threads on here with people using sub or is getting ready to go on it, that could benefit from your experience.

Yes, your lonely, you need to help yourself out of this funk, like someone said, get out of your own mind, join a gym, my GOD you turned down 120 pills, Wonderful !!!! was so happy when I read have allowed this girl to consume your life, when that should not be the focus right now, but I have said all this to you before many times.

Your focus should be your recovery, postitive thoughts, and your grandmother, and helping others, not some chick that left you months ago. As I have told you, this will not be your first love nor last, your only 28 yrs old, you will be hurt again and you hurt, that is life my friend.. you have yrs ahead of you. Not to dwell on one person that is out of your life;. That you have no control over, focus on the things YOU do have control over,, my GOD red look what you have accomplished in a short period of time.. more than most folks.

Yet you post the same thing each time, but never respond to those giving you support.. Am I off base here?
Brookshire,i emailed Reddog also,and i swear i said almost the same things you did word for word.Getting your heart broke the first time is a very traumatic thing.I remember mine and i swear it took me 2 years to get over it.But we do get stronger for it,and time is the only healer.I told him join a gym,get busy,etc...its so easy to isolate yourself when youre feeling like this.

Reddog,i hope youre feeling a little better this morning.Everythign brookshire has said is soooo true.I know you feel theres absolutely nothing worth while in your life right now,but you are wrong!!!! Youve managed to stay clean for 13 days and that is something you need to hang on to.Im sure some of these emotions you are feeling are coming directly from the wd's as well,and things are going to get better with every day(if you want them to)you have to WANT to start living life again.You can do it and we're here to help and listen if you need it.Take care~KIM
Morning Kim,

Well hopefully he will take heed to what is said, and know people who are complete strangers do care about his well being and his success.

Have a wonderful day..
Thanks Brooke and Kelly you are sweet girls, I just woke up took my small amount of sub, im gonna shower and do some yard work. I am off work this week, its almost over but i dont mind. So seriously thanks for all the kind words this is really tough, i need to look into the gym. I know they have one at my college

Good morning reddog. I love doing yard work,especially this time of year.How are you feeling today? Any better? You sound like it.Im happy to see you posting.Enjoy your day,take care~KIM
Hey Red...sorry you're feeling left out...guess we all get caught up in our own are doing great..I'm on day 8 and feel a bit down myself..but I am FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day..go out...don't isolate yourself...feel fre to post me if you get lonely....Love, Sharonn