Hey everyone. I am just settling in for what I know will be yet another night of no sleep . This is hell . I wanted to ask you all if you found that when you quit pain meds did you have an increase of nightmears ? I dont remember having one bad dream when I was on ocxys. Now I sleep 2-3 hours a night and they are hours full of horror . Does anyone out the also suffer from these ? Do you know if it is a normal part of wds ? I hope it is and I am not totaly losing my mind . Everything is just comeing apart at the seams . I think I am losing this fight . I told someone on another post to "hang in there" and "it gets better" but who am I to tell anyone that ? It is NOT better . I dont know if it ever will be . I have never been so sad .
Ive been clean for 8 days now. I have been taking ambien, lowest strenth of 5mgs. No sleep is my biggest fear in life. I didnt sleep 2 nights in a row last week and I wokred both days/
Pray and dont use
Pray and dont use
Miss mandy want to switch worlds for a week????
Lack of sleep was by far the worst of the wd's for me because it can lead to some pretty severe mood swings and gets your mind all messed up. 1) Accept it as part of wd's. 2) Stay busy. 3) Drink water, cut back on caffeine. 4) Try to exercise...a brisk walk before bedtime helped me.
Don't fight it...have no expectation for a good night's sleep, and be grateful for the rest you do get each night. I know it sucks, but it is only temporary. This too shall pass!
Don't fight it...have no expectation for a good night's sleep, and be grateful for the rest you do get each night. I know it sucks, but it is only temporary. This too shall pass!
miss mand,
your not losing, your winning, yes this is very normal and this also will pass, it will not last forever. just keep reminding yourself that this is all a part of the process. your mind has to heal as well. it will take a little time but as each day passes it will get better and you will be one more day back to returning to your natural self. try and ride through the emotions with out fear. everything is ok. try and surround yourself with good things during the day. look for posatives. there is good to be found in everything if we look hard enough. practice retraining your thoughts and looking at things with a different percpective. the more i did that the more it started becoming second nature. but just like anything else anything good in life takes work. just keep working on it and moving forward. it DOES get better.
your not losing, your winning, yes this is very normal and this also will pass, it will not last forever. just keep reminding yourself that this is all a part of the process. your mind has to heal as well. it will take a little time but as each day passes it will get better and you will be one more day back to returning to your natural self. try and ride through the emotions with out fear. everything is ok. try and surround yourself with good things during the day. look for posatives. there is good to be found in everything if we look hard enough. practice retraining your thoughts and looking at things with a different percpective. the more i did that the more it started becoming second nature. but just like anything else anything good in life takes work. just keep working on it and moving forward. it DOES get better.
Morning Mandy dont let those satanic pills talk to you like that everytime you start to think anything about them just say stop in your mind over and over as many times as you have too.I was the opposite when I did oxys I had wicked nightmares Ive been clean going on 4 weeks now and Im starting to dream again and there good dreams hopefull dreams so dont give up your winning the war everyday you stay clean Keep telling yourself that. I know not sleeping sucks but try not to worry about it just accept it and that too will pass.We probably are so used to sleeping our lives away on those things that we think being up for hours is abnormal.Your doing great dont give in now girl.
no sleep with leg twitching does get better with time believe me stick in there on 8th day mayself every day better than the day before. still restless but according to what i read on this site it gets better good luck trm.
See if your doctor will give you Ambien - I'm prescribed 10 a month. You fall asleep within about 20-30 minutes and you're not groggy when you wake up. I have been taking them for a while b/c of pain problems - just can't take all of the time or they won't work and they are probably addicted (if take e'night)
You really need sleep. When I don't sleep, I hurt and I get crazy.
Love, Becky
See if your doctor will give you Ambien - I'm prescribed 10 a month. You fall asleep within about 20-30 minutes and you're not groggy when you wake up. I have been taking them for a while b/c of pain problems - just can't take all of the time or they won't work and they are probably addicted (if take e'night)
You really need sleep. When I don't sleep, I hurt and I get crazy.
Love, Becky
Hi Mandy, I'm so sorry to read you are not sleeping well and that when you do sleep you have horrible nightmares. When I am sober I, too, have horrible nightmares. Last October I checked myself into a hospital to detox, in an attempt to get and stay sober for good. The Dr there prescribed for me Ativan (or is it Adivan) specifically for nightmares, so nightmares must be a normal part of being sober early on. The first night I spent in the detox hospital I actually bit myself on the arm during a nightmare, so I think some dreams can get pretty gruesome. You are definitely not loosing your mind, you are not crazy.
I hope these nightmares pass quickly for you and your sleep becomes something you look forward to instead of something you fear. Although right now I'm the last person to tell someone "it will get better", I do remember that when I was sober for a period of time I had normal dreams and normal sleep (well, normal for me anyway), so HANG ON, it will get better. Each night that goes by while you are sober is one more night closer to a good night's sleep. Thinking of you and wishing you the best, Ann
I hope these nightmares pass quickly for you and your sleep becomes something you look forward to instead of something you fear. Although right now I'm the last person to tell someone "it will get better", I do remember that when I was sober for a period of time I had normal dreams and normal sleep (well, normal for me anyway), so HANG ON, it will get better. Each night that goes by while you are sober is one more night closer to a good night's sleep. Thinking of you and wishing you the best, Ann
Ive heard of a new one Lunesta I guess it doesnt have any narcs in it & is the only one approved of longterm use.Thats what the ads say.Maybe a websearch would help.Ill probaly have to ask my Dr about it,This 3 hrs of broken sleep at night is slowly killing me...mj
Thank you everyone who replyed to me.
I will talk to my Doc . But after I told him about my prob. I think he would not give me anything. He seemed almost mad that I had been getting pills from him when nothing was really wrong w/me. But I will try . I do need to sleep . Last night I could have sworn I seen smoke coming from my dish washer. The darn thing was not even plugged in yet. I just got it. I am seeing things that are not there . I think that is from lack of sleep. But thanks for replying to me. And thank you Becky I hope you are doing well w/your big fight.
I will talk to my Doc . But after I told him about my prob. I think he would not give me anything. He seemed almost mad that I had been getting pills from him when nothing was really wrong w/me. But I will try . I do need to sleep . Last night I could have sworn I seen smoke coming from my dish washer. The darn thing was not even plugged in yet. I just got it. I am seeing things that are not there . I think that is from lack of sleep. But thanks for replying to me. And thank you Becky I hope you are doing well w/your big fight.