Hi there, I feel very frustrated about my situation. I have been with my bf for 1.5yrs now. I knew he had a prob with coke before we started a relationship. He has cut down dramatically, but still has relapses which obviously causes emotional problems for us both. My problem is I am a recovered addict & can't handle the pressure to want to party during his "highs", if I don't join (going partying till the wee hours) him, he'll do it on his own & I worry for his life.
Does this happen to anybody else???
Dear Tired,
You should take some time and read through our posts - this happens to all of us!
You should take some time and read through our posts - this happens to all of us!
Hi!!! Tired
As a recovering addict, you should get away from him. He is the only one whom can fix him.
By him using he is endangering your recovery.
Take what you want and dump the rest.
As a recovering addict, you should get away from him. He is the only one whom can fix him.
By him using he is endangering your recovery.
Take what you want and dump the rest.
Tired, Run for the hills. Your are endangering your own recovery. How much clean time do you have? I have seen relaps after having 5yrs. Offer to take him to one of your NA orAA meeting. Make it a date & goo for coffee afterwards & discuss the meeting. Please take care of your recovery, rios
Hi rios, I've been clean for almost 7 years now, and will not return to the "habits", thank you for your information and views, but I can't bring myself to leave this man???? He won't go to meetings, says he can do it by himself, which we all know is impossible. He was recently clean for 3 months, but had a relapse 2 days ago. Problem is he doesn't seem to think there's a problem doing what he's doing. Used to do it every day.