
Do you ever get back to feeling normal again or will there always bad feelings inside of yourself from taking the pills. I will never take them again and some days are better than others, but do you ever get it almost all back,?
Define normal?? LOL of course your do. How long have your been drug free? Curious.
i think the meaning of normal is in the individual.
bit like beauty is in the eye of the beholder
20 days
u there.
Yes. In time it really does get better. Sometimes you have to have faith in others. So many of us have walked in your shoes. It took me about a month to really feel better physically and emotionally.

I think the key is to not expect things to be great, just because you are not using, for me that is the hardest part. I mean I hear myself saying how come I don't feel awesome since I don't take those drugs anymore. Just realize some days are better than others you have to take the good with the bad that is what a drug free life brings. Yesterday I had no energy laid on the couch most of the day. Today this is the first time I have sat down. Cleaned the whole house working on load four of the laundry and played lots with the baby. So hang in there and hold onto the moments of joy.
Listen, someone watching their cholesterol is probably avoiding a cheeseburger deluxe with an ice cream sundae but they sure will never forget how good they tasted. Well, we know pills are bad for us but since we have "tasted of the apple" we know the pleasures. Once one gets to where we all are who come to this board also know the evils of it all too well. So yes life goes on without them but you dont forget about them. You seek support and you give support and that is how you stay strong - one day at a time. But HELL YES, life is very good without pills.
I feel "normal" for the most part, but I also know Im as much of an addict as anyone else here. I try not to let myself forget that. I do not have the luxury of the non addict to "take a pill when needed" - doesnt work that way with an addict (me)