I posted a post yesterday about my son picking his face and skin got no responses. Today i noticed all these bloody tissues in his garbage can as i was emptying it. He has had respiratory issues (bronchitis) and was given 2 rounds of steroids to clear it up that was 1 month ago was also given an inhaler he was better for a few weeks now he is coughing, hacking, and wheezing and said he had to use the inhaler last night because he felt he could not breath without using it. I'm concerned the bloody tissues are from him coughing up blood he said it's from his nose and that he will call his Dr. Either way it all concerns me my son uses Heroine has been doing better with it he has agreed to a urine test tonight he should be clean according to him he has only used once in the past 15 days. Could all these respiratory problems and the bloody tissues be from using? My son is 19 there is only so much I can do for him at that age unless he agrees to it.
Hi Mom, I've read both your posts and just wanted to answer you. Chances are the right person hasn't saw your post yet, but they will soon and be able to give you advice. I hope your son is doing better. Sounds like he is wanting to get himself clean, that's good! I don't know what could be causing the nose bleeds unless he is snorting something. Maybe it's withdrawals? It takes a while to get away from the urges of drugs and if you read on here there are some painful withdrawals they go through. It's not like quitting smoking. Does he ever look or act high recently? Good luck to you and also your son mom. I hope he gets clean from the drugs. Hang in there! Stay strong! I hope you get answers soon. Mary.