My husband has gone from heroin to methadone, So he is doing good with that but, now he has started to use coke and sometimes I do it with him. I only do it once in a while but, he does it all the time. Everyday. He has replaced heroin with coke in a way. He always has to be high on something. I would never do it again if it ment his sobriety. I feel like my husband will never be totally sober. I just don't understand. I would be happy if I NEVER touched another drug again but, he can not live with out something. Does anyone know? Will this ever stop? His brother died a year ago from a situation with drugs and since then he started to use also. I just don't know what to do. I know the coke is not as bad as heroin but, it is still a drug that can lead him back. Any advice would be great. Thanks for letting me post.
Any and all mind altering drugs are a danger for anm addict which your husband must be if he always needs a high. You doing a drug with him does not help. It feeds into the delusion addicts hold that there is nothing wrong with thier use of substances. The fact is there is alot wrong. Addiction all to often becomes fatal and that is the sad truth. He needs help but he needs to believe he has a problem first. Try not to enable him. He needs to fall hard inorder to wake up before it is too late.
I ws addicted to both Heroin and Cocaine, and I will tell you that I would rather be addicted to Heroin, for the simple reason that I detoxed from Heroin and that was it I never used again, however I struggled with cocaine for years after. First I will tell you, if you are concerned about your husband staying clean, do not use with him ever, not even just once in a while. You are not supporting him if you are engaging him in his addiction. You say that you could live without a drug, do so. By telling him that you want him to quit but using with him is sending mixed messages. It also opens you to become addicted and then what will you do. I have my own opinions about Methadone. I was addicted for 30 years and I now work with addicts.I am not a huge fan of Methadone. Addiction is not just about using drugs, it is a set of behaviours that addicts exhibit, unless he gets professional, or some other help I don't believe his addiction will end until he, and only him, decides it should. I think your first step is to set some boundaries, and stop using with him........
I am in this same situation with my boyfriend. He is on methadone and we will ocassionally use c together. (And sometimes heroin, but that is sort of a different story). Part of what is happen here, at least for him, is that methadone blocks out the high from all opiates and so that need to get high is chanelled elsewhere to another substance.
I feel really bad about using with him and I am trying my best not too. I am struggling with my own addiction and it is not easy.
The one other thing I'd add here is that methadone makes people more sensitive to other drugs. This is not widely publicized, but many people die of overdoses from other drugs while using methadone. This applies to coke. I don't know if he is snorting or shooting, but I think the risk is greater when shooting. So be careful of that.
In terms of it not being a bad, I also am not don't get the w/ds but still is quite addictive and potentially damaging. Plus, it is often hard for people to use coke without some sort of down at the end.
I am in this same situation with my boyfriend. He is on methadone and we will ocassionally use c together. (And sometimes heroin, but that is sort of a different story). Part of what is happen here, at least for him, is that methadone blocks out the high from all opiates and so that need to get high is chanelled elsewhere to another substance.
I feel really bad about using with him and I am trying my best not too. I am struggling with my own addiction and it is not easy.
The one other thing I'd add here is that methadone makes people more sensitive to other drugs. This is not widely publicized, but many people die of overdoses from other drugs while using methadone. This applies to coke. I don't know if he is snorting or shooting, but I think the risk is greater when shooting. So be careful of that.
In terms of it not being a bad, I also am not don't get the w/ds but still is quite addictive and potentially damaging. Plus, it is often hard for people to use coke without some sort of down at the end.
Thank you everyone for your advice and stories. I agree with all of you. I have not done coke in a week and he is still doing it. Even a friend of ours flushed it the other night and told my husband she was finished also. I just hope he can stop now.