O/t 5th Grade Science

So I'm having my procedure tomorrow. I prefer to call it a procedure rather than surgery. I might be home tomorrow evening or Friday morning at the latest. My ten year old has to have an idea for a science fair project by Friday. I was never good in science. It's sad that I'm at the point with my daughter that some of her homework I have difficulty helping her with! You know how it is, you forget all those little details you learned in school, at least I did. Anyway I'm looking for any suggestions for a science fair project. She is only in fifth grade so I don't want to do anything to complicated. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!

Good luck tommorrow, Shelly..
And as for the science fair project.Wal-mart has a book that list a crap-load of projects.We looked at it when my son was doing those things.I hated them too.
Call your local store and see if they have it.Maybe you'll get lucky...LOL

Or try sciencefair projects.org
Shelly i remember one that one of my boys did around that age and its very very simple. You get an empty 2 litre soda bottle.Fill it half full of water,maybe put some blue food color in it to make the water blue.throw in little toys,small pieces of anything,toy furnitue,small tiny animals,whatever youve got around the house. Put the top on tight,shake it up,and twist it around and around(while bopttle is upside down) then turn it right side up and it looks like things flying around in a tornado,the water swirls around and the stuff swirls around with it,Its pretty cool looking ,and cant get any easier than that.Good luck~KIM
Shelley- the problem is a day is not really enough time to build a science fair project and have her learn enough about the subject to articulate it properly. I would suggest a kit also. Try here too

Toys R Us Science

I think adding vinegar to baking soda causes a chemical reaction that she can do in some styrofoam cups. Have her read some information on the net about the type of reaction and write a little description. Hope this helps.


Shelley, I have a 5th grader, too. We mostly have to do Social Studies projects, but last year we did a couple for science.
One was a volcano with the baking soda/vinegar put in the top for effect.
We used a cone shaped strainer, turned upside down, covered it with molding clay, and painted it to look like a mountain with lava on the top. We also put some Lego pieces which looked like flames at the mouth, which he removed when he did the demonstration for his class.
Our other project was the solar system. We used different size styrofoam balls for the planets, painted different colors and labeled. We got some heavy,but bendable wire to hang the planets from, in the order where they live. I know, this one is pretty common and not very creative, but it is quick and easy.

Good luck with your procedure, and your project.