O/t Bipolar Disorder

Does anyone on here have any experience with bipolar disorder. I was recently diagnosed during a hospital stay. I just find myself getting so angry and agitated at the smallest things. Then I feel so overwhelmed I just can't accomplish anything. I'm just looking for someone who might have felt some of this I feel like I'm going crazy.

Thanks...I know this post is off topic.

Mental health has quite a bit to do with addiction in my opinion. I self medicated for a long time

I am bipolar Valley...I recognize what you posted very well.

It's so good to see you post.
Thanks so much!

I just feel like I'm in such a lonely place and have so much anger built up inside.
I understand that feeling so well. And it's so easy to aim that anger at yourself and feel that self loathing.

If you would rather discuss this in an email mine is bumps@jam.rr.com
I am not bipolar, but my Mother in law was diagnosed as Bipolar. I would like to know the symptoms coming from a person who has it (not reading in a text book). Being addicted and going through the ups and downs seems to mimic the disease. I would like to know the differences.

I am not bipolar but have a girlfriend who is and is struggling to stay clean/sober...her sponsor bought her the book Bi-Polar for dummies and she is learning a lot from it....

Take care,
Mookie, Valley posted some. Let's see, I acted out in inappropriate ways ie sexually, spending too much money...alot of what you do read in the symptomology. Feeling like you are omnipotent...inappropriate anger, lashing out...crying without provocation...

there are different phases of bipolar, some feel intense lows and highs, some just highs or lows...I went both ways...extreme mania, being unable to sleep, depression, masking my feelings with food, sex, drugs...getting so involved with a project that it overshadowed my other work, inability to abandon one task...etc.
Thanks for you thoughts...I will copy down your email. I do have other questions. Right now I've got to take care of the kiddies.

Thanks again for helping me to not feel so alone.

{{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}}} Valerie...

anytime honey!

gotcha, ygm back
I just got back from my new psychiatrist whom i actually really like and after talking for almost 2 hours she diagnosed me with cyclothymia which is a form of bipolar disorder.

I already knew that anyways though... when you have it, you know.

i'm at work now val, but you can call me later on this evening if you get a chance.

love ya
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thinking of you..............

Oh on top of cyclothymia also have generalized anxiety disorder.
whoulda thunk it?

Just wanted to tell you, you have been missed......

I will send you an email your way tomorrow. Have been thinking of you sweetie.

Hang in there.

Love, Hugs.
Aw, I just checked back in and saw all the responses. You guys are all so great.

Stacy I will check out the cyclothymia we probably have the same kind...you know how we tend to be. I'll either try to call or email you tomorrow.

I've been feeling better tonight and I just remembered I now have 2 months and a few days with no pain pills!

I love you guys!