O/t Brookie, Did You Hear The News???

Okay, what is Teresa up to??? Did you hear that DEI merged with Ginn so now they are a 4 car team? So what's she thinking, that she can add more cars and flash some money around and it's going to all be okay? Does she not understand that she let the poster boy for Nascar get away? Does she not understand that with out Dale Earnhardt, Jr on the team that no matter what she does, the fans of JR nation will never forgive her no matter how many cars she puts in her stable...

All I can say is go Hendrick and now your boy is with my boy and we're about to rule Nascar Nation!!


Love ya!
Oh Geez
Ummm, nobody asked your opinion....<BEG>

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Sorry Kat...those guys do nothing for me...

Now, put them in a firesuit and have them crawl out of a racecar and hot & sweaty, and I'm there!!!

And, hey, on the Circus comment...you are the ringleader, don't cha know...
LMFAO! They look like the poster boys for RLS.
I had not heard until I read this thread then went to investigate.

I think due to the dissension that has been between theresa and dale jr, it is best that he did leave. they were never going to see eye to eye. having said that am i happy that he is with hendrick. um no. lol but it will be entertaining to say the least with the two rivals working together.

Prediction, we will see theresa at the track once dale jr leaves. all she is thinking about is taylor. she must know this is not what dale sr would have wanted, but like they say what goes around comes around. jr will make it without DEI.
This is too funny - I have always said that if I saw male strippers, I would just laugh - I just don't think men's bodies are to move that way - I want a "real man" haha
Also, I have always said that I didn't want a man who was prettier than I am

Signing off, 10-4
Becky Jean