O/t Death Of A Great Athlete

Horses are the most beautiful exquisite athletes in the world. Today they put down Barbaro.

If you do not know his story Google it.

He was an amazing race horse. What a good looking Animal. Unless you have owned a horse you really cannot understand how special they are.


I was saddened to hear this on the news...

I love the movie..Dreamer..


That is very sad...could the horse not have just retired to pasture or was she sick???

All God's creatures are beautiful to me, including horses...the horse i rode when i was in my early teens was my friend... and got me through some really awkward years....I understand totally..

Hows your dad doing Jeff?


This is so heartbreaking! I am of the opinion that either you are a horse person or your not....no in between on this one.....I AM!!

I have a friend here that has a horse...she and I spent Friday playing with her...a registered quarter horse about 8 years old...one of the most intelligent horses I have ever met!! We went to get her...she stays about a block away from my friends house because they don't have the fencing up on there newly built house.

We rode over on her quad and tied her to it and cantered all the way back!! This was a blast...the horse was neighing the entire way with pure joy!!!

I love horses and its sad to hear this.....I am sure she had a wonderful life....running...horses love to run!!!
Ali Google Barbaro and read his story Horses are more human than humans. That make sense?--LOL

I was lucky enough to own a horse. I spent a lot of time with him. He was a harness horse 2 yrs 5 wins an injury a surgery and eventually death all in 2+yrs.

My Dad? Is in for the fight of his life. He has accepted the complication and faces one more surgery.

He had to have another Bag put in temporary until his body heals. His surgeon saved his life for sure.

He is stable and may be coming home this week wed-Thurs? The recovery is bad enough but now he must go back in 6 weeks to have the temporary bag removed.

Its just a lot on my Mom and the recovery is going to be a b****. But he is a fighter.

I am amazed at his will to live. I saw my Sister and BIL and that was nice. I love my sister and My BIL is a pistol. My sister married a great man.

I was pissed off that the surgery did not go well and the mental crap my Mom went through as they all thought he was a goner for like 3 hrs.

But I called today and a bunch of his friends were there laughing --partying in my dads room.

My Dad and Mom have a lot of close friends. These friends will enable my Mom to deal with this and my dad will recover.

You would have to know my father and mother. They are really good people.


P.S Thanks for asking Ali


Your Mom and Dad sound awesome...very much still in love..

Statistically, people over 65 heal much quicker and live much longer if they have a spouse beside them...

With your Mom beside him, and your family in a circle of love around him...hes going to get through all this with flying colors...

Re the horse:::

Im going to go read "his" ( sorry about calling him her before..) story...i just hope it was absolutely necessary to put him down...im sure it was of course..

.i watch too many Animal Police shows, cus as horrible as some of the animals are treated, they GO AFTER, arrest and charge the perpetrator, and i LOVE that...justice...

There is a number of those type of shows, but theres this one PHOENIX Animal Police and they., more then any other shelter, euthanize the animals quickly, they dont even TRY surgery...last week an officer gets a call about a beautiful lab, she gets there and it has a collar and everything...its been hit by a car and its leg is obviously broken...but the blessed animal hops over to her and lets her pick him up and put him in the back of her cruiser..

On all the other shows, they would fix it with surgery, but not there...they put the poor dog sleep right there in the truck...I couldnt believe my eyes, I even tried to find that exact shelter in Phoenix..i was SO upset...but i couldnt locate it....

I seldom believe in putting an animal to sleep, and only if its suffering...

sorry...got side tracked talking about euthanasia for animals..

I'll keep praying for your Dads complete recovery....He has an awful lot going for him that will help him get through this.

Big hug,

Thanks Ali -Its going to be a tough 3-4 months.My Mom is pretty amazing all things considered. Its been like 8+ yrs of hospitals surgeries between myself and Dad--She is the Best.

Regarding the horse please read about him. He was amazing. (Barbaro)

And yes he was in much pain. He fought and they did everything but they had no choice.

They tried so hard. God i watched that horse Pull up in the Belmont and i got sick to my stomach.

He was a true champion.

This is just so sad, what a fighter. I lost my mare back in October, she also had laminitis like Barbaro. During flare-ups it is a quite painful disease and she had been on a pain reliever for years. She was 29, so lived a good long life compared to Barbaro. My old guy that I have left is 32 and is in great health. Ive had horses since I was 13, and they really are magnificent animals.

Barbaro was a fighter, but with horses their hoofs and legs are quite fragile. By trying to keep the weight off of the bad leg, the other 3 legs became stressed. The most humane thing was to let him go so he would no longer be in pain. Hes in the great green pasture now.

A little off topic but check this out, Dancing With Hooves.