O/t Dexter Showtime

Season 2 premiered for Dexter Anybody who has Showtime on demand check it out.

Any dexter fans ? Great Show--- Later
Me!! I love love love Dexter!

I have Showtime and a couple of months ago watched all of season 1 on demand in one night! I read one the books and that's how I got started on Dear Dexter.

Amazing writing and brilliant acting. I am hopelessly hooked!

Who would have thought the Ice Truck Killer would have been his very own brother....Loved it!

True Crime and the Law is my passion!
Just finished watching season 2 premiere-AWESOME

Kee Kee--Brotherhood is also very well done. Another showtime series

Check it out.

Have a good night--Jeff
I saw the Season 2 premier last week. It was good...poor Dexter....LOL.

I also watched Brotherhood...it also looks good. I have to get into though.

Have you watched Weeds? or Californifcation....also on showtime. I haven't watched weeds yet, but hear it is a winner. Has won several awards already. Something about a suburban housewife getting mixed up with some hip street gang...now she has to sell their drugs! Out there!

Califorincation is also very very well written with David Docoveny. Great storyline....I am digging it.

Nice to know that I am not the only person that enjoys showtime!! I knew there were others!

Enjoy your night! Pouring rain here today, which is nice actually. I decided to just stay in. I hope there are not many more rainy days ahead as so far I have made homemade caramel sauce and whipped up some whip cream. Now I am have to figure out what to make with it....as it would be really really bad if I just ate it! Wouldn't it??? LOL