O/t I Need Your Prayers!

I'm sorry to come on here and whine and complain. I know I've mentioned this before but I really could use all the prayers I can get for my daughter. She was recently diagnosed with tourettes syndrome and OCD. We just found out yesturday that she in also having seizures. They occur mostly in the evenings. I'm just scared to be putting a 12 year old on 2 different medications. For now though she has to be on them. The dr. said when we get the seizures under control we can take her off the tourettes medicine and then she would only be on the medicine for the seizures. She's having a hard reaction to the seizure medication. It's making her very sleepy and they have her on the lowest possible dose. My very energetic, athletic, talkative, full of life little girl is just so tired andso much quieter then usual. Her number one favorite thing is volleyball and she's been on the JV team for the last two years. I'm just thankful this is happening while it's not volleyball season. Hopefully we'll get everything adjusted in her little body and our girl will be back. I know there are others out there suffering from much worse things so forgive me if I seem like I'm over reacting. Believe me, I pray not just for my family but for everyone elses to. I may not know what everyone is going through but God does. I believe so much in the power of prayer and ask with much gratitude for as many prayers as we can get. Thanks.

Hey Shelly - Don't ever feel you are overreacting when your child is sick. It must be very scary for you. You are doing the right thing for her. If you trust and respect the doctor you should listen to him. If there are problems remember you are in charge. Give it some time and take it day by day. It will take some time for her body to adjust to the meds. Keep praying and try to keep a positive attitude. She needs to see you being strong and positive. She will take on the same attitude as you.

My daughter has been taking meds since she was a week old. I just treat it as a matter of fact kind of thing. I never treated her differently. She wears a medic alert bracelet and takes her meds. I told her that everybody has something. No body is perfect. She will be taking these meds forever. It is a lifelong, life threatening condition. One thing I've realized is that it is totally out of my control. When she was little I used to read alot of stuff about her condition. It made me crazy. I stopped reading so much and just followed orders. That has helped me greatly. I just read about it occasionally or if something new comes up.

I'm really sorry that you and your family are going through this. I know it is heartbreaking and scary. Ask your doctor if there are any organizations for children with tourette's or go online and look around. The parents are by far the best people to talk to. I spoke at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital to a few hundred medical school students. Chelsea's endocrinologist asked me to tell our story. I'm terrified of public speaking but I do know my story. Afterwards the students approached me and asked alot of questions. I received a letter saying that it was rated one of the best lectures by the students. Imagine how that made me feel with my high school diploma. Her doctor has always told me that he knows the medicine but I know the child and the condition.

Be strong and don't be afraid to get second opinions on things. I will keep you in my prayers. What is her name?

Shelly, I am so sorry. Alice has some good advice, listen to her.
I will keep you in my prayers. I never got your email, could you send it again?

Alice, Wow! Good for you! Your daughter is blessed to have a mom like you.

Shelly I just wanted to send out prayers not only for your girl but to your whole family.
May the Lord give you all the strength & love you need to help you with the hard times in life
I am very sorry to hear about your little girl. I also have seizures, and a lot of seizure medications have a lot of side effects. They have tried many on me, and so many made me so sleepy, and some made me feel like a zombie. The one I found that works the best without these side effects is dilantin. It pretty much controls my seizures, and does not make me feel the way so many others did. I could take this and still carry on with day to day things without feeling like I was all doped up. I know every medicine does people different, but I just thought I would share this with you. What kind of seizure medicine is she now taking? My prayers are with you