Did you know that when Oprah called him back to fry him, she told him they were doing a show on a bunch of authors with memiors? They didn't even tell him what was going on!
How low is that?
I know this is an old subject, but she also told him after not to pay attention to it all, it was "just business."
I know that was a heated topic..and a friend just told me this tonight. Isn't that awful? Poor guy.
LB quotes-"Poor guy."
That's what happens when you lie.I read the book before he was even called out and I thought it was a little unbelievable?
Although what what Oprah did was just as wrong.
She was just trying to save her own a**.
They both were at fault
That's what happens when you lie.I read the book before he was even called out and I thought it was a little unbelievable?
Although what what Oprah did was just as wrong.
She was just trying to save her own a**.
They both were at fault
I'm getting ready to go back to bed, not even sure why I'm up, but yes I did know that Oprah did that to him.
The book itself was a long read. I quit reading less than half way through. His writing was terrible and annoying. I had just started the book when the controversy started. before that, it was my opinion that OF COURSE he was embellishing the truth. I had already concluded that when he talked about going to the dentist and not getting novocaine. No dentist would do that type of dental work without numbing it first. If Oprah didn't pick up on that first clue, then I don't know what to tell her.
Obviously, there were many other fictional things that a person would have no way of knowing. The book ended with him getting out of jail one day too late, getting to his g/f to find that she had just killed herself. That was pretty low, since he was never in jail. At the end it talked about how most of his friends had died due to various things, mostly drug related, I think. I never did hear if any of that was true. I wonder if he made it up. Did he ever track down any of those people?
Beyond the first few chapters I read it as a work of fiction and nothing more, so I wasn't outraged or anything. But, I probably would have been if I would not have known about him NOT being in jail and that whole driving to be with his g/f to find her dead. That was a real tear jerker, even has a work of fiction.
There were so many other things that just seemed unbelievable to me. Things I don't think I would have believed even if I read them before the truth was revealed. Like his brother and friends taking him to a bar to shoot pool after getting out of rehab? Giving him $40 for him to walk up to the bar and order a pint of whiskey? How bout when the people from rehab took him to the crack house to get Lily? I would have doubted all that. I could go on and on.
Bottom line, Oprah and all her "people" should have picked up on these things and questioned him before she promoted his book, if it mattered so much to her. So no, it was not right to lure him onto the show under false pretenses only to fry him, even if he is an a******...LOL
I wanted to read My Friend Leonard, but for some reason I couldn't get interested in it knowing it was probably all fiction too.
Okay, back to sleep, it is waaaay to early for me to be up. If I wait any longer, I'll be drinking coffee and end up napping from noon-3. G'night!
The book itself was a long read. I quit reading less than half way through. His writing was terrible and annoying. I had just started the book when the controversy started. before that, it was my opinion that OF COURSE he was embellishing the truth. I had already concluded that when he talked about going to the dentist and not getting novocaine. No dentist would do that type of dental work without numbing it first. If Oprah didn't pick up on that first clue, then I don't know what to tell her.
Obviously, there were many other fictional things that a person would have no way of knowing. The book ended with him getting out of jail one day too late, getting to his g/f to find that she had just killed herself. That was pretty low, since he was never in jail. At the end it talked about how most of his friends had died due to various things, mostly drug related, I think. I never did hear if any of that was true. I wonder if he made it up. Did he ever track down any of those people?
Beyond the first few chapters I read it as a work of fiction and nothing more, so I wasn't outraged or anything. But, I probably would have been if I would not have known about him NOT being in jail and that whole driving to be with his g/f to find her dead. That was a real tear jerker, even has a work of fiction.
There were so many other things that just seemed unbelievable to me. Things I don't think I would have believed even if I read them before the truth was revealed. Like his brother and friends taking him to a bar to shoot pool after getting out of rehab? Giving him $40 for him to walk up to the bar and order a pint of whiskey? How bout when the people from rehab took him to the crack house to get Lily? I would have doubted all that. I could go on and on.
Bottom line, Oprah and all her "people" should have picked up on these things and questioned him before she promoted his book, if it mattered so much to her. So no, it was not right to lure him onto the show under false pretenses only to fry him, even if he is an a******...LOL
I wanted to read My Friend Leonard, but for some reason I couldn't get interested in it knowing it was probably all fiction too.
Okay, back to sleep, it is waaaay to early for me to be up. If I wait any longer, I'll be drinking coffee and end up napping from noon-3. G'night!
He could have saved himself a lot of embarrassment by simply promoting the book as a non-fiction story.
I'm not an Oprah or Dr.Phil fan.I think Dr.Phil is a lot more concerned with how entertaining he is and ratings than actually helping other people.
Can you imagine someone from his show calling his house for extra support and him going off?LOL..................[telephone ringing]...wife answers phone,Dr.Phil in the den pigging out on Doritoes with holey socks on chugging a cold one."JFC can't I get a break?".....tell the b*tch I'm not home"
I'm not an Oprah or Dr.Phil fan.I think Dr.Phil is a lot more concerned with how entertaining he is and ratings than actually helping other people.
Can you imagine someone from his show calling his house for extra support and him going off?LOL..................[telephone ringing]...wife answers phone,Dr.Phil in the den pigging out on Doritoes with holey socks on chugging a cold one."JFC can't I get a break?".....tell the b*tch I'm not home"
No.i didnt know Oprah did that,and i think it stinks.She should be above that,with all her ethical talk!
I read both books,loved them both,of course i read them before the controversy.I may have felt different if i read them after the facts came out.
Unlike you Atlas,i thought the writing was fantastic...i loved the way he wrote,and so did many others,including Oprah.
I remember reading somewhere afterwards thsat the part about his friends in rehab were true,most did die,this came from one of his remaining friends that made it after rehab.He stuck up for Frey and said for the most part the book was true.
Youre right Tim,if he had labled the book differently,there would have been no problems and the book would have been as much of a successs.But alot of it was true,and alot of it was his feelings /experience,so he felt it was more autobiographic than not? My 2 cents~KIM
I read both books,loved them both,of course i read them before the controversy.I may have felt different if i read them after the facts came out.
Unlike you Atlas,i thought the writing was fantastic...i loved the way he wrote,and so did many others,including Oprah.
I remember reading somewhere afterwards thsat the part about his friends in rehab were true,most did die,this came from one of his remaining friends that made it after rehab.He stuck up for Frey and said for the most part the book was true.
Youre right Tim,if he had labled the book differently,there would have been no problems and the book would have been as much of a successs.But alot of it was true,and alot of it was his feelings /experience,so he felt it was more autobiographic than not? My 2 cents~KIM
Ahhh..the old "Oprah Ambush" trick..nobody ever expects that....
Tim, as far as Dr. Phil, I agree. Dr. Phil is a sanctimonious overbearing piece of (censored) who would barely qualify grade school guidance counselor let alone have his own show advising millions of people. He is where hes at because of Oprah and of course, no one EVER pulls the wool over HER eyes, so he must be a friggin genius. According to him, when he dies, he'll be back in three days.
Tim, as far as Dr. Phil, I agree. Dr. Phil is a sanctimonious overbearing piece of (censored) who would barely qualify grade school guidance counselor let alone have his own show advising millions of people. He is where hes at because of Oprah and of course, no one EVER pulls the wool over HER eyes, so he must be a friggin genius. According to him, when he dies, he'll be back in three days.
BW quotes-According to him, when he dies, he'll be back in three days.
....as what?
I love that skit on Mad TV where Oprah blows up.LOL
Actually,I've thought it incomprehensible to come on national Tv and air your dirty laundry to millions of people.These shows are just a sanitized version of "The Jerry Springer Show"......which I would rather watch when I'm feeling any kind of self-pity.It cheers me right up.
If you really want to watch someone dish out the shame,watch Judge Judy.
I love that show.
Her favorite quote-
....as what?
I love that skit on Mad TV where Oprah blows up.LOL
Actually,I've thought it incomprehensible to come on national Tv and air your dirty laundry to millions of people.These shows are just a sanitized version of "The Jerry Springer Show"......which I would rather watch when I'm feeling any kind of self-pity.It cheers me right up.
If you really want to watch someone dish out the shame,watch Judge Judy.
I love that show.
Her favorite quote-
I knew that Oprah did this, and cancelled my magazine subscription, quit watching her show because of it. I wrote her a couple of emails telling her why I was no longer supporting her. Needless to say, she didnt write back. LOL I know my measley $25.00 means nothing to her, but it made me feel better not to be helping her rude, lying butt.
Also, Tim, Frey took his book to the publishers as a NOVEL. They told him it would never make it,,,,,it was just one in a million of "drug stories". BUT, they said,,,,,,,,if he would allow them to promote it as non-fiction, they could make it successful. The rest is history.
He did, however, go along with their claim that it was all true, powered by $$.
Too bad for all of them that their plot didn't work, huh? Not.
When it all happened, I was a huge supported of James Frey, liar or not, but now that some time has passed, I agree with the rest who say he was wrong for lying, but did not deserve the lashing he took by Oprah,,,,,,no one deserved to be treated the way she treated him on intl. TV.
Carol is absolutely right. Mr. Frey tried numerous times to find a publisher for his fictional work, which was inspired by some true events. Someone suggested that he market it as a memoir. Not sure if that was the publisher, or someone else. Mr. Frey made the decision to .....S T R E T C H..... the definition of a memoir and market the book that way. The almighty dollar must have been his motivator.
I didn't like his writing because the lack of proper punctuation made it difficult for me to follow. Conversations ran together, I could not always tell when one person stopped talking and another person began. I also thought he was pompous and had delusions of grandeur, very little humility during his recovery. I would think such an attitude would make recovery a challenge. But, this is just my personal opinion out of millions, and it doesn't really matter to anyone but me. LOL...heck, it doesn't even matter much to me either...LOL
I still think it was wrong for Oprah to lead him there under false pretenses. Being a liar is not such a great quality, but I can think of worse things to be. I think it is wrong to lead anyone, even criminals, onto national television under false pretenses. They get ambushed, plus have the disadvantage of professional film editors who can spin everything they say, when they had no time to even gather their thoughts. The added pressure of having this happen in front of a large audience, knowing millions will watch it. I would probably choke and run out crying!
I didn't like his writing because the lack of proper punctuation made it difficult for me to follow. Conversations ran together, I could not always tell when one person stopped talking and another person began. I also thought he was pompous and had delusions of grandeur, very little humility during his recovery. I would think such an attitude would make recovery a challenge. But, this is just my personal opinion out of millions, and it doesn't really matter to anyone but me. LOL...heck, it doesn't even matter much to me either...LOL
I still think it was wrong for Oprah to lead him there under false pretenses. Being a liar is not such a great quality, but I can think of worse things to be. I think it is wrong to lead anyone, even criminals, onto national television under false pretenses. They get ambushed, plus have the disadvantage of professional film editors who can spin everything they say, when they had no time to even gather their thoughts. The added pressure of having this happen in front of a large audience, knowing millions will watch it. I would probably choke and run out crying!
Hi kerry & everyone,
I liked the book. It's a book for GOD sakes I don't know what the uproar was about in the first place. Oprah is a b***** for doing that to anyone. But I personally liked the book. Sure it was unbelievable at times or maybe not. I've done things in active addiction that would definately be unbelievable to some. So take it for what it's worth it was a good read.
I liked the book. It's a book for GOD sakes I don't know what the uproar was about in the first place. Oprah is a b***** for doing that to anyone. But I personally liked the book. Sure it was unbelievable at times or maybe not. I've done things in active addiction that would definately be unbelievable to some. So take it for what it's worth it was a good read.
I always think about this little tidbit:
Truth is stranger than fiction.
If he would have stuck strictly to the facts,it would have been just as interesting.
It's just a book,true but when I read an auto-biography I expect the author to stick to facts.
When I read non-fiction,they can go hog wild.
One of my favorite authors is Wilbur Smith.He writes fiction but bases it on history.
I think Carol hit the nail on the head.When greed rears it's ugly head,one can get sidetracked real easy.
Besides,even if it was a novel......it was highly forgettable.
Maybe he can get a job as a drug counselor.I'm sure when he gets to the steps that address"Honesty in all our affairs" he will have some experience to share with the addicts still suffering.LOL
Truth is stranger than fiction.
If he would have stuck strictly to the facts,it would have been just as interesting.
It's just a book,true but when I read an auto-biography I expect the author to stick to facts.
When I read non-fiction,they can go hog wild.
One of my favorite authors is Wilbur Smith.He writes fiction but bases it on history.
I think Carol hit the nail on the head.When greed rears it's ugly head,one can get sidetracked real easy.
Besides,even if it was a novel......it was highly forgettable.
Maybe he can get a job as a drug counselor.I'm sure when he gets to the steps that address"Honesty in all our affairs" he will have some experience to share with the addicts still suffering.LOL
I loved his book and thought every teenager who was even thinking of dabbling in drugs should read it. Still do. Of course some of it was embellished. Don't know too many that aren't in way or another. Oprah was wrong. Dead wrong. I don't watch her anymore because of it. She's all about the mighty dollar just like the rest of them. Last night I watched where she opened a girl's school in Africa. Cool I thought, until they mentioned that she also added a spa there. WTF for? Her visiting dignataries? If you want to make a difference, start in your own country.
I didnot however know that James Frey wrote two books. What was the other?
I didnot however know that James Frey wrote two books. What was the other?
What do they need a spa in Africa for?LOL....it's hot as F there.
I rest my case.
Lisa,the second book is ...My friend Leonard...it takes up right where the first book ended and tells all about his continued friendship with leonord,it was good.Not as good as A Million Little Pieces...but good.
I agreee.i made my 20 year old son read it.
I would love to read them again actually,to me,they were that good~KIM
I agreee.i made my 20 year old son read it.
I would love to read them again actually,to me,they were that good~KIM
Why thank you Ms Kim. I'll look for it today.
I would love it if he would re-write the book without all of the fiction. I know that most of what happend to him is feesable, but I'm really curious. And I loved the way he wrote...wonder if they'll ever make a movie out of it?
I gave it to my oldest to read too. He said it scared the sh*t out of him.
I would love it if he would re-write the book without all of the fiction. I know that most of what happend to him is feesable, but I'm really curious. And I loved the way he wrote...wonder if they'll ever make a movie out of it?
I gave it to my oldest to read too. He said it scared the sh*t out of him.