O/t Janet Bumps/well For Everyone

Hey all, Just wanted to share this cool site........it's the old "Wish Catalogs" that you would get before Christmas........and circle what ya wanted from Santa in them........it's neat because they have entire catalogs from the 40's on up to even the 80's..........it's not only toys, but clothes and stuff.

Hoping this link works.........it should pop up with a special doll I know Janet/Bumps No More will enjoy.......and on the same page is the doll "Little Miss No-Name"........I begged for this waif of a sad doll........her commercial just devastated me..........poor thing needed a mom.........oh she was just so needy with a big tear drop on her face........my mom said Santa wouldn't bring her because a Madame Alexander doll was much better........but my Grammy got her for me...........hope somebody finds this site cool........my brother and I yesterday were just having a ball with this.

O.K. here's Janet's doll...........but go to home and you can find the other catalogs there........don't forget to stop by and see Liddle Kiddles......and they think Polly Pocket is all that.......pffffftttttttt, enjoy.


Hopefully anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas will find it interesting as well......it's basically just a catalog with stuff ya wanted back in the day.
how totally cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for this great link! i was up til 3 in the morning looking at this site!!!
i was born in 56 so i looked at the 50's catalogue first and it was published before i was born and i could remember some of the items in the catalogue that were still popular after i was born. the Christmas ornaments really fascinated me as i do have a few ornaments my mother gave me from that era that i just adore!!! I have a special place on my tree for them every year and they so remind me of the childlike excitement of Christmas as i would lay under our real tree with the hot fat light bulbs!! i would stare at those ornaments.
i was in total shock when i went to the catalogue of the 80's when my sons were born omg! it is so old fashioned!!! thats only 23 and 20 yrs ago and some items looked as old fashioned as the 50's! i cracked up at atari, i used to play pac man! i am going to show my sons the video games of their era! they wont believe it, i was just noticing a video game that my son was playing the other day, it was so life like...football.
compare that to atari lol!
thanks for the trip down memory lane! i had fun imagining what my mom may have worn for clothing when i was born, reminded me of lucille balls outfits on i love lucy! jewels
That is so cool. I want a Ouija Board. But it's so expensive $1.25!!!
Ouija boards freak me out, FK. Remember the Excorcist? >shudder<
One of my kids start projectile vomiting and talking in that voice and I'm out of here. I grab Bubby and run...period. That Mother took it so well. Can you imagine your kid floating over the bed? Or any of those horrendous other things?
Oh but no, I'd call an ambulance and wait next door.
OK you're a big wuss. Where's your sense of adventure? We used to play with Ouija boards all the time when we were kids. Scared the crap out of us. LOL I remember being older and having a slight buzz going and trying to do it by myself and freaking out. I was such an idiot when I was high.
NEVER mess with the Ouija board. It can bring through tricky spirits who's intentions are not good.

When my daughter was around 14/15 ish a bunch of her friends were into it and my son told me he saw it levitate 4' off the ground. He wanted his sister exorcised and removed from the house! He was white as a sheet and scared to death. He talked to the priest at school about it. To this day he still thinks his sister is possessed! HA

I banned the board from my home and insisted my daughter not mess with it!

To this day my son still thinks his sister is possessed! HA

Cool site! I love it! I saw the Barbie Camper I had when I was 8...to fun!
I had the Barbie camper too!!
Back to Ouiji boards...No, can't do it, not high or straight or anything in between.
See FK? Look what happened to Kerri's daughter.
I'm also afraid it would seriously piss off my HP and I can't afford that one.
I can see it now. I put my hands on that thing and it would spell out: "You're so screwed, ha ha." That would be about the time I'd wet my pants and faint.

Was that the name of Reagans "friend"?

Kee Kee and I must be seperated at birth. I banned if from the house growing up and then in my own. Funniest was it was only like $1.35 or something.

Jewels, I am so glad you enjoyed that. Your description of the fat, hot lights cracked me up. Them suckers were so big.

All I got to say Is Big Wheels, Liddle Kiddles, and Charlie McCarthy that talking puppet doll. My brother owned him. Interesting how he fit into the Excorcist because I would not sleep in my own bed for like two weeks after we saw that movie. So, my brother had that talking puppett guy popping in on me every chance he got having it go "REAGAN".
My mom bought me one when I was a teen. We brought Randy Rhodes back from the dead at a seance in 1982 in my parents basement. It was all fun until scary things started happening. I ended up destroying my ouija board while reading a passage from the bible and lighting a candle. My friend had spoken to a catholic priest and that was his suggestion. Last time I saw them at the store I turned a few of them backwards and hid a few. That's how much they bother me. It is banned from my house.

Q. Is the Ouija board dangerous?
A. Most paranormal researchers advise against the casual use of the Ouija board, suggesting that it can be a doorway to unknown dimensions. The board itself is not dangerous, but the form of communication that you are attempting often is," says Ghost researcher Dale Kaczmarek of the Ghost Research Society. "Most often the spirits whom are contacted through the Ouija are those whom reside on 'the lower astral plane.' These spirits are often very confused and may have died a violent or sudden death; murder, suicide, etc. Therefore, many violent, negative and potentially dangerous conditions are present to those using the board. Often times several spirits will attempt to come through at the same time but the real danger lies when you ask for physical proof of their existence! You might say, 'Well, if you're really a spirit, then put out this light or move that object!' What you have just done is simple, you have 'opened a doorway' and allowed them to enter into the physical world and future problems can and often do arise."
But what if the Ouija really does not contact spirits? What if it only accesses our own subconscious? The advice might be the same.

Since there are realativly few accounts of positive, uplifting experiences with the Ouija, and many negative ones, we might assume that it more attuned to the negative aspects of our subconscious.
If you're determined to use the Ouija anyway, it is highly recommended that you follow some rules of precaution:

Begin by announcing that the session will only allow an experience that is positive or toward a higher good and that negative energies are not welcome.
Don't ask for physical signs.
When you're done, close the board. This is an important step. When you're done with your session, slide the planchette to 'GOODBYE' and remove your hands.

Wish I had that advice back then.
When I say my son age 12 or 13 saw this board levitate and spin 4 feet in the air for a long while....I am not exaggerating at all.

I had a bunch of terrified teenagers that indeed opened that gateway to spirits that want to "mess" with you. Those kids were scared beyond belief and when I banned that stupid thing from my house I meant it! I had her take it out immediately. I also found out about that time that you should dispose of it in a certain way. Can't remember...for me it was just not allowed back.

My daughter and her one friend continued to mess around with it at her parents house......it wasn't long before this family experienced extreme hardships, all sorts of "bad luck" things happened. I can't remember specifics as that was well over 10 years ago. Coincidence???? Maybe.

Bryne....you are a real sweet person with a great sense of humor...I wouldn't mind one bit if we were separated at birth!!

I should also say that my daughters grandmother....my x husband mother...was a "clarivoient" or sensitive.....I believe my both my kids inherited some of this...oh the spooky stories I could tell!

Hey...it is close to Halloween....maybe it's time for a spooky story thread! LOL...if we can work some recovery in there great, if not...who cares it will be fun anyway.

brings back alot of memories of when i was a little girl...............

mom would lay the wish book on the table and i wpu;d spend hours looking at everything!..................cloths ans toys and just everything..........

lets see when the 1985 issue came out.............i was like 12.........

so i was like a pre teen............

and those were the days..........

simple and fun..................

i loved the 80's.

love ya all...........


I agree the boards open the door for evil spirits to come in. I had a friend that used one, after her house became infected with roaches, than rats, than her son (only 9 years old) spoke in a unknown language.
Man, yikes, you guys!
You just can't have one, FK, lol, not that you were serious but if you were we'd all start hounding you to get rid of it.
>perk< Did you say scary stories, Kerri? Come on, gf, share!
Okay then it is unanimous! Ouija boards suck!

Hmmmmm scary stories...yeah that will be fun. I have some real "ghostly" experiences I can share, in light of Hallows Eve it will be fun. I will share a good one I promise...but not now...lol!

I am so exhausted and worn out from the day that my bed is calling.....listen............can you hear it??? LOL...that and my TV to veg out and most definitely fall asleep in front of.

Think of your spookiest stories....okay! I want to hear em!

Big hugs all....nitey nite!
What do you know? Mine is calling too, lol.
Looking forward to getting spooked, Kerri.
Hey, Bryn, I had a big wheel too. Weren't those cool?
The first "Real" experience was in 1988....husbutt and I moved into this apartment that located directly behind a hospital in a funky but older part of town. It was a new building and our apartment was within walking distance to Downtown. Great place...2 bedroom, 2 bath with a sitting room that was shaped like a tourit with many windows.

We had been together a few years and were going through some real crappy stuff with my X. Bad energy all over the place.

Anyway....in this house....it's hard to explain but you just always felt "watched" it's so creepy and hard to put into words. We had the most horrific arguments in that place....I mean bad.....holes in the walls from things flying through the air.

One night we were in bed sleeping or what we thought was sleeping when in the very corner of the bedroom there was this intense glowing light....it was the sound that I will never forget. I thought I was dreaming so I tried to move my body to wake myself up and I couldn't move....I was paralyzed. I knew Steve was beside me but I couldn't call out to him or move...my body was frozen. This went on for what seemed forever.....I wasn't sure if I was asleep but was pretty sure I wasn't. The fear is paralyzing literally. Eventually it stopped and I slowly gained control of my body and wanted to wake Steve....he was awake....he witnessed the exact same thing!! I knew then for sure that I wasn't dreaming...how can two people have the same dream??

We had a couple more experience like that....together and alone....mostly in this little "tourit room". I remember my daughter sleeping in there once she was 5 years old and she had horrible nightmares which sounded like what I described.

Needless to say....we were out of there soon afterward. The violent fights and arguments stopped. There was something in that apartment. We heard stories of sacred indian burial ground and even stories of murder way back when. A whole block of these older funky types homes were leveled to make way for this place.

We talked about it over the years and never again experienced that "paralyzing" feeling. We even went back there about 10 years later an knocked on the door to find out if the people that lived there had ever experienced anything "paranormal". Those people didn't...I can't remember now how long they lived there though. I do know that they thought we were "crazy".

I am a real level headed person and am a "believe it if I see it kinda girl" that experience was no dream!

Gives me chills even writing about almost 20 years later! Yikes!

Anyone else?

Happy Halloween!
Okay Kerri,

I have those experiences all the time. Its called sleep paralysis and it happens when certain areas of your brain wake up, but its still sending signals to your body that its asleep. I've seen some pretty f***ed up s*** in these states. LOL Now if both you and your husband had the same experience then I would say its probably not coincidental, and would have got the hell out of dodge.

My parents house is haunted. When I was around 16 I was sitting on the couch watching tv. I heard this sound coming from behind me that I thought was my older sister putting a cigarette out in the metal ashtray. Anyway, this metal clanking sound went on for about another thirty seconds and I whipped around to tell her to knock it off, and there wasn't anyone there. I could still hear that noise and looked up to notice that a glass candle that was sitting in a iron holder on the wall was shaking violently. In then jumped up out of the holder came down and busted me in the head, broke and sliced my shoulder wide open. I ran upstairs to the kitchen screaming, and every glass that was on the kitchen table jumped strait into the air, and the slatted pantry door disentigrated into the floor. I still have the scar to prove it. LOL

You can be sitting there and hear someone walk right up to you, and there is never anyone there. I refuse to go there or stay there alone. The hell with that.

..Nowadays i think most kids fav book when it gets near to xmas is the ARGOS catalouge ha!!..argos is one of them stores where ya order and pay for ya goods at the till and they give ya a ticket to wait until ya goods come up from downstairs..the cat is full of toys/latest gizmos, wotever ya want they've got it..or its in the cat but not instore cos its sold out..kids love the argos cat..so do the parents i think cos they get all their s*** in one go lol..Robbie..
did anyone ever party in cemetary's??? i did, there was a statue of i believe the virgin mary who had her arms in an upward fashion, we used to get our kicks when we bored and go to the cemetary. anyway it was raining, fog lifting off the ground and this statue looked shiny from the rain .. if you flashed your brights on the car on/off real fast, an optical illusion would occur where it looked as if the statues arms were moving up and down. we would get spooked, pass around the bottle of boones farm ....strawberry....? easy nights...? cant remember the name of that wine cooler back in the day... we also had our bright light button on the floor board! lol!
then we always told spooky stories in cemetary's, you would get arrested today for tresspassing, but not back then, we would try and scare ourselves and ask... should we turn the car to the right?? the tombstones date back to the 1800's or do we go left where the tombstones are more recent??? i was like, go down the road to the 1800's!!!! thats when we were like lets get the hell out of here, cuz someone before us had already partied there cuz the tombstones were tipped over!!!
so we would find another cemetary to go to and my girlfriend who was into tarot cards and such would want to sit on the hood of the car as we drove thru another spooky cemetary, i scared the crap out her when i put on the windshield wipers and squirted washer fluid on her!! ha! ha! lol!!!
then she told us about a spooky cemetary in peoria, il. where the road in the cemetary was in a figure eight fashion and one time she said she couldnt find the way out of the figure eight and kept circling and circling around which seemed like forever. then she found the way out.
remember resurrection annie? i think thats her name, but its been proven and shown on tv where her ghost is hitch hiking? dont pick her up either... ok enough of this spooky stuff, i am gonna go to bed and it took we weeks to get over the fear of the movie the exorcist. i would see my dresser at the foot of my bed and think, its moving!!!
one more thing, i sang this song in grade school during music class. it went like this:
have you seen the ghost of tom?
long white bones with his skin all gone... ooh ooh oo oo oo... would it be chilly with no skin on? any one ever sing that one as a child??? jewels
Bryn, thanks so much for this link!!! What a sweetie!

Hopefully sometime this week I can slow down enough to enjoy it.

I'm back from my vaca and sooo much to catch up with. I had to give Snickers a bath after the lady told me she would do it. Can't fool this girl with grooming spray! Greasy, dirty dog! Thank heavens she lets me wash and blow dry her!

I hope to catch up soon!

Jewels, may God forgive me, but I got laid in a cemetary! Yes, I was on drugs.