O/t Pics From Work

I wanted to share these pictures with you guys cause i just thought they were too neat.

Nothing was done in Photoshop to alter these, we did a 30 sec. exposure and with a night light fiber optic thingy that changes colors. (You know how it comes in like a ball shape,. the big ones? )

anyways we feathered that around my face in different ways and it came out really really cool. Thought I'd share... and if you don't like it SORRY! lol


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I think they're really cool Stac...must be fun to work with this guy!
heck yea it's fun!

And to top it off I found out I was getting a raise yesterday that will begin on my next check. a frickin' 3 DOLLAR raise!
Maybe i'll now start to get out of debt? I hope.
wow that would feel good.

There's no way that I would be able to do such a great Job at my job...lol. if i was still using. I wouldn't be able to work on something for more than 5 min. cause i'd be worried about my next pill or not feeling as good as i want, or was in a crap mood and my boss probably would not be able to stand me.

I feel great at work and I'm actually great at my job. Kickin' a** and takin' names.

I like them Stac...

Thanks Doug,

Since I'm on a pic kick, i haven't posted any of kaylin lately. She's getting so big and believe it or not her hair is getting longer!!! finally! lol.

These are christmas pics.
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aww, her hair is getting so long. she is just so cute.

I like the pics you took at your job. They look really awesome/
Stacey, have you been eating uranium?
Uhhh, You got me! lol

you really got blessed to have such a nice boss and everything.

it makes a big difference to work some where that you feel like you fit in and also feel that your appreciated..........

i am so happy for you..........

i have watched you bloom........and just watching your recovery process has been such a blessing for me.

i am just extremly happy for you.........
i know that the Lord loves you and your family so much stacey.......

look at all the blessing that have transpired in your life........
truely amazing......

enjoy your i pod, family and your life honey..........

you are such a smart beautiful young lady........
i am so thrilled that you were able to get out of the world wind of addiction to pills........
i remember some of your old post and i would worry so much about you and i would pray pray for you stace.

God Bless you and your lovely family.......
i am so happy that you have found a nice job..........

Stacey...your daughter is so beautiful...she looks exactly like you..I think her hair is just adorable, it reminds me of when my daughter was little...I really think she was 5 years old until she got real hair...lol...I used to pile it all in one skinny little pony tail on the top of her head with one itsy bitsy little ribbon....

Look how far you have come in the last few months..I can so remember the days of you or your hubby scoring a bunch of pills and then w/ding a few days later only to be so depressed and frantic and angry! Look what you guys have accomplished and all that you handled clean and sober...dosn't it feel fantastic...you moved, worked...got through those days and nights that in the old days you would have pilled them away and then dealt with the consequences.

I am so proud of you...and a raise....what next!!! Stacey for President!!!!

You go girl....yours pics are awesome!!! it shows your shining aura...full of life and hope!!!!!!!!!

Happy Sober New Year Girlfriend..you have earned it!
Thank you Keekee.

You're so kind. I really hate thinking about those days... but i gotta remember what can happen again if I let it.

I don't think I could make it through that again, I don't know how I did the first time. God was really looking out for me, i know that much.

Thanks for the pic compliments.
I need to go out and get her some skinny little bows or ribbon. She is just not used to that and immediatley yanks it out. lol.

She's getting so big. I don't think i had hair til i was much older either. we'll wait and see. I just can't believe she had just turned one year old when i started coming to the board... now she's on her way to being grown (well i don't wanna rush it)

Love you keekee, you can always make me smile.

Stace-THanks for sharing those pictures. They are a trip.
Hey Stace Those Pics are so cool looking!!! Goodness!!!
Kee huny again we owe each other emails but I think its my turn.Im hoping to get some time tonight to write...I miss you friend
very cool!